John Hirst
Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Tuesday 24 August 1915, page 9
Death of Mr. John Hirst.
No man on Kangaroo Island was better known or more highly esteemed than Mr. John Hirst, of Snug Cove, who died on Saturday. His was an extremely interesting personality, and the fact that for some time he had been in failing health—an indication of the approach of the end— will not lessen the keenness of the regret which will be felt by all who knew him. Mr. Hirst was a pioneer squatter, and played his part well in building up the great pastoral industry in South Australia.
—From Yorkshire.—
A native of Yorkshire, he met, when a young man, Dr. Matthew Moorhouse, who was visiting the country, and on ar-riving in this State became associated with Messrs. Charles Swinden & Moorhouse, who were well-known and important sheepfarmers, with a view to learning sheepfarming. He spent some time with Messrs. Angas & Maslin, when they owned the Saltia Station, near to Port Augusta; Bartagunya, close to Melrose; and Willochra, on the eastern plains, in conjunction with Messrs. Swinden & Moorhouse. On the sale of the stations named, Messrs. Angas & Maslin went to Queensland, where they pur chased sheep. A few years later, how ever, they returned to South Australia, having failed to find any suitable country. Mr. Hirst, with his brother, Mr. Alfred Hirst, then became owner of Kalioota Station, on the western plains, in conjunction with Messrs. Swinden and Moorhouse. At the expiration of the partnership, Mr. Alfred Hirst returned to England, and joined his father's firm (Messrs. Charles Hirst & Son, wool staplers, Yorkshire). Subsequently, he became blind; but that did not prevent him from continuing in business. Indeed, it seemed merely to increase his capacity, and to develop to an extraordinary degree his sense of touch, for seven years after he had lost his sight he came to Australia again, and in the open market at Melbourne bought 10,000 bales of wool, to the great satisfaction of his partners. During his stay in the Commonwealth, he managed all his own shipping and banking, and employed nobody except his Secretary.
—On the Island.—
Mr. John Hirst then took up country in the Gawler Ranges, and owned Paney Station and Karkultaby Station in the Streaky Bay district, which had been purchased from Mr. James Hiern. With Mr. W. A. Horn and others he shipped his wool direct from Streaky to London by the Lydia Hilton— the first shipment ever made from that part of the State. About 40 years ago he acquired pastoral country at Snug Cove, Kangaroo Island, and had resided there continuously since. A few years back, however, he surrendered his least and secured a fine block of freehold grazing land. Mr. Hirst, who has left a widow (the second daughter of the late Mr. William Wooldridge of Port Adelaide, and sister of Mr. A. M. Wooldridge, of Hyde Park) celebrated the golden anniversary of his wedding on December 31, 1914.
—Splendid Hospitality.—
The homestead at Snug Cove is beautifully situated and renowned for the hospitality dispensed there. Among the visitors was a former Governor (Sir George Le Hunte), who called during a cruise in the steamer Governor Musgrave. As the boat which was to take him on board again was about to pull off, Mr. Hirst invited those present to give 'Three hearty cheers for His Excellency.' These had no sooner been given, when Sir George cried out, 'Now three cheers, for the Governor of Snug Cove,' and Mr. Hirst laughingly acknowledged the compliment, which was enthusiastically endorsed.
"GOVERNOR OF SNUG COVE." (1915, August 24). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 9.