Login Information

Cannot login or access accounts

First things first, you need to be aware that the majority of accounts given to you by the Kingsland School district are Administered by Kingsland2137.org and therefore if you need your gmail or office365 password changed you will need to contact the Kingsland tech dept to have those reset. If school is in session you can find us on the second floor, room 200.

however you are fully capable of resetting the password for you IC account and are in fact prompted to set up that ability upon your first login. 

Your school issued laptop is set up for generic use, but you are welcome to change the password of your local account. In fact we encourage it, as it is well known what the default password is and anyone of your classmates can access your PC with this password.

Be smart, be careful, and most importantly be mindful -- start by knowing. [Default Accounts and Passwords PDF]

Default passwords are as follows: 

For your School issued Laptop 

Your HP Stream or Dell 3120 Laptop has a default username and password. 

Username: student [we try to replace student with your name]

Password: kingsland

To change your password: press ctrl+alt+delete and select "change a password"
from there you will be prompted to enter in your 'old' or current password
and the password you would like to have going forward -- your 'new' password twice.
then click the arrow button (not the cancel button on the bottom -- i've done that more time's than I'd care to admit...)
and your done! 

If we have misspelt your name, we sincerely apologize, it's tough when we have 600+ laptops and iPads to get through in a few months.
We are more than happy to correct this, just let us know. 

School username

Your School username, which is utilized to create your kingsland2137.org email, has a simple recipe.
It is made up of your first and last name with the addition of your year of graduation.
The combination is this:

The first four letters of your last name

plus the first two letters of your first name

plus your year of graduation.

Effectively: LLLLFF##

For example, a student named Joe Knight, with a graduation year of 2036. Would be: knigjo36


For your gmail account you take your school username and add the '@kingsland2137.org' domain on it.

This will be the email/username you use to access all your google apps (gmail, drive, classroom, docs, etc). Bear in mind that Kingsland Public Schools is a Google Apps for Education School, and therefore our email addresses are in fact Google email (gmail) addresses and are accessed through google at www.gmail.com.

Lunch Numbers

Your lunch number like your locker number will be assigned to you, you will use this number for many of your default passwords and usernames as well. 

for example when we set up default Google accounts we always assign the password as Kingsxxxx where 'xxxx' = your lunch number. that way we get a simple yet unique password for everyone, and one that we can reliably remind students as to what it is. 

Infinite Campus (IC)

Your infinite campus username is also your lunch number.
Always use provided links for kingsland public school IC. as in: links found through a google search will not bring you to the right login page.
Find the login page linked on the school website under /Student/Infinite Campus Student Portal
Or directly linked: Infinite Campus Student portal

**include screenshots and walkthroughs of the password reset page and the security email page -- inform them as to why it is important.**

Curriculum logins

Your curriculum passwords and links are in the preview of your teachers only.
We do not know them or have access to them or the ability to reset passwords for them.
If you need help accessing an online text or other part of curriculum we recommend you reach out to your teacher as soon as possible.


You are provided an Office365 account upon request.
Request one by emailing help@kingsland2137.org 

Office365 Installation Guide