What you can do at home
Establish good habits
REFUSE: plastic bags at the supermarket. Take your own from home.
REDUCE: buy items with the least amount of packaging. Choose to purchase items that are more easily recyclable, such as glass (it can be recycled again and again without degrading).
REFILL: Use reusable drink bottles to avoid unnecessary plastic bottle purchases.
REUSE: Can your old pair of jeans become your new pair of shorts? If you can’t reuse it personally, maybe someone else can?
RECYCLE – If you have to purchase packaged items, try to buy items that are more easily recycled, like glass.
RECONSIDER – Do you really need the item you are considering purchasing? Can you borrow, purchase second hand or repurpose another item instead?
Shop wisely
Go to the kitchen cupboard or fridge, and have a look at the labels on the products you find. Where were they made or grown? Have they travelled far to get to you? Where you can, supporting your local shops, greengrocers, farm shops can be a great way to reduce your food miles and carbon footprint!
Make a home for wildlife
1/3 of the food produced in the UK is dependent on pollination. Bees, butterflies, moths and even small mammals have a role to play. Growing more nectar-rich flowers, shrubs and trees can give pollinators the boost they need. Even a few small plants on a windowsill can help! Alternatively, leaving patches of land to grow wild lets wildflowers grow and makes great nesting and feeding sites. No effort required! Up for a challenge? Build your own bug hotel from recycled and natural materials.