
Personalised Support

Happiness is key to academic excellence, which is why we prioritise the wellbeing of our students.

KAB6 tutors are an experienced team who work together to offer in-depth support, advice and encouragement. Through Year 12 and 13 collaborative activities, students are encouraged to work together as a cohesive Sixth Form body and as part of our wider KAB6 community. This positive and co-operative atmosphere is reinforced by joint extra-curricular activities, such as charity and community work.

The pastoral care for every Sixth Former offers personalised advice both for students’ academic and pastoral growth. The Tutors adopt a holistic approach to ensure each student’s all-round progress. Both in-house and external talks focus on handling the pressures surrounding drugs, alcohol and screen dependency. The Safe Drive Stay Alive programme, as well as discussion groups that focus on managing money at university, provides students with the chance to focus on issues acutely related to them.