
Connected Communities

We have a vast number of academic enrichment opportunities at KAB6 which are constantly evolving to meet the suggestions and needs of our students.

One of our most exciting academic enrichment opportunities is the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) This qualification, which is highly respected by universities, allows students to develop their independent research skills in an area of personal interest to them. The research title is related to subject choices at A-Level or beyond, and involves learning how to source, reference and produce an extended piece of writing with the support of a Supervisor. Students then present their research to a large non-specialist audience.

At KAB6 we believe it is vitally important for our students to be confident and coherent communicators. KAB6 offers the Advanced Certificate of Speech which is a highly regarded qualification designed by the English Speaking Board for Sixth Form students. It is valuable both for those going onto Higher Education and for those who will be entering the workplace. Evaluation focuses on the ability to marshal thoughts, present them cogently and clearly, and argue persuasively from a basis of intelligent and perceptive listening.

Examples of other enrichment activities include:

  • Duke of Edinburgh

  • Work experience

  • Oxford and Cambridge visits and Open Days

  • Visits to university lectures

  • Senior Maths Challenges

  • ‘Safe Drive, Stay Alive’ workshop

  • UCAS application support

  • Community outreach

  • Primary Connect programme