Careers & University

Inspired & Prepared

There are many decisions to be made by students once they have completed their A Level and/or BTEC Level 3 studies.

At KAB6 our aim is to make sure those decisions are as informed as they can be. Options to be explored include applying to university through the UCAS process, apprenticeships, employment and gap year projects.

At the start of Year 12 students are provided with guidance through the university application process. Mock interviews with a variety of professionals are arranged to help students prepare.

Personal and academic tutors offer in depth support to students on completing their personal statement and university application forms. Visits to Higher Education fairs allow pupils to explore the options available to them.

Specialist advice is also be available through KAB6’s partnership links with Brasenose College, Oxford for potential Oxbridge candidates.

Preparation for the more practical elements of university life are covered in the enrichment programme such as personal finance and cooking for oneself.

For those students considering other post-18 opportunities, there is a dedicated Post 18 Advisor. One to one expert careers advice is available with an accredited independent careers advisor. Students develop a Career Action Plan which we are then able to support. Professional apprenticeship providers supply a wealth of information regarding apprenticeships in the local area. Employment opportunities will be targeted at individuals we know have an interest in each particular field and students are supported with their curriculum vitae, letters of application and any interview preparation. We have many and varied careers talks available to students and include careers and further education guidance through our superb tutor programme.

For UCAS applicants additional information can be found by clicking the link below.