Math Q3

Functions Assesment

For this assessment we had to choose to do two of six projects. I chose to do a linear equation drawing and test. For the test we had had to have atleat 12 problems about five subjects: slope, y-intercept, converting standard form, graphing, and tables. I'll be reflecting on the test.

Linear Equations Test:

Linear Equations Test


This project demonstrates my knowledge of tests and using a computer to make them.

If I could redo this project I would have chosen harder equations and arranged the test layout better.

The knowledge gained from this project can help if I ever have to use linear equations and functions, or if I want or have to make a test on a computer.

21st Century Skills

Thinking and Problem Solving - For this project I literally had to solve problems (math equations), and I also came across problems in getting it to fit on one page.

Self-Directional Skills - I finished this project at home two days early.

Date of Reflection: 3-5-18

Course: Math

Teacher: Ms. Marsh

Section: 8B