Math Q1

This Quarter in math we started by learning about real numbers. After that we learned about the Pythagorean Theorem and Pythagorean Tripples. Then we learned about cooridinates and graphing.

This is our house and blueprints:

Date of Reflection: 9-19-17

Title of Project: Blueprints to House

Description of Project: For this project we had to start by creating a blueprint of a house that we had to come up with as a group. Afterwards we had to build the house out of popsicle sticks.

Course: Math

Teacher: Ms. Marsh

Section: 8B

This project demonstrates our knowledge of how to work together to understand and build something.

If I could redo this project I would have tried to make the house look nicer.

From doing this project I've learned how to make blueprints and be able to read them in a way that I can turn into a 3D structure

21st Century Skills

Thinking and Problem Solving - I had to think of how everything to turn the 2D blueprints into 3D house out of popsicle sticks.

Self-Directional Skills - We all had to be working the whole time to make sure that the glue held, we were doing the right thing, and we weren't falling behind everyone else.

Interpersonal Skills - I had to work with a group