

1. 황철수(편집). 2016. The National Atlas of Korea III. KOR ISBN 978-89-93841-21-3 / ENG ISBN 978-89-93841-23-7 🔗 Link

2. 황철수(편집). 2016. The National Atlas of Korea II. KOR ISBN 978-89-93841-20-6 / ENG ISBN 978-89-93841-22-0 🔗 Link

3. 황철수(편집). 2014. The National Atlas of Korea I. KOR ISBN 978-89-85682-29-9 / ENG ISBN 978-89-85682-30-5 🔗 Link

4. 황철수 외(역). 2014. 지리정보시스템. 시그마프레스. ISBN 978-89-6866-116-7 🔗 Link

5. 황철수 외. 2014. 우리 국토 좋은 국토. 사회평론. ISBN 978-89-6435-718-7 🔗 Link

6. 황철수 외(역). 2011. 지리정보시스템 입문. 시그마프레스. ISBN 978-89-5832-924-4 🔗 Link

7. Bouca, D. and Gafagnao, A. eds. 2010. Agent-based computing. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Hwang, C. S. Chapter 6: A framework of an agent-based model using social and physical interaction for vulnerability analysis on flood events). ISBN 978-1608766840 🔗 Link

8. 황철수 외. 2010. 도시의 계획과 관리를 위한 공간정보활용 GIS. 보성각. ISBN 978-89-7839-673-8 🔗 Link

9. 황철수 외. 2009. (한국) 지도학 발달사. 도서출판 푸른길. 정부발간번호 11-1611265-000014-01 🔗 Link

10. 황철수(편집). 2007. The National Atlas of Korea. KOR ISBN 978-89-956027-5-1 / ENG ISBN 978-89-956027-5-1 🔗 Link

11. 황철수 외. 2006. 수도권의 변화. 보성각. ISBN 89-7839-629-1 🔗 Link

12. 황철수 외. 2006. 도시해석. 도서출판 푸른길. ISBN 978-89-8769-1671 🔗 Link

13. Bartlett, D. and J. Smith. eds. 2004. GIS for coastal zone management. Boca Raton: CRC Press. (Hwang, C. S. Chapter 7: Exploring the optimum spatial resolution for satellite imagery: A coastal area case study). ISBN 978-0415319720 🔗 Link

14. 황철수. 2004. 지리정보학 연습: 기초편. 경희대학교 출판부. ISBN 978-8982221927 🔗 Link

Peer-reviewed Paper (Selected)

1. Kim, K., Hwang, T., Cho, S., Lee, Y., & Hwang, C. S. (2023). Micro-scale Flood Susceptibility Analysis through Subdivision of Administrative Units in North Korea. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 58(2), 178-193. (Corresponding author)

2. Choi, M., & Hwang, C. S. (2023). Understanding Travel Behavior Change during COVID-19 Using Spatio-temporal Cluster Analysis. Korean Journal of Geomatics, 41(1), 1-12. (Corresponding author)

3. Yang, E., Kim, J., & Hwang, C. S. (2022). The spatial moderating effect of environmental pollution on the relationship between tourism and community resilience. Tourism Management, 93, 104554. (Corresponding author)

4. Kang, J. Y., & Hwang, C. S. (2022). Reproducibility and Replicability in the Studies about GIS and Spatial Analysis: The Case Study on the Journal of the Korean Geographical Society. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 57(5), 425-435. (Corresponding author)

5. Ana, S., Seong, J. C., Lee, Y., & Hwang, C. S. (2022). A Picture of Geography Revealed by a Keyword Network Analysis of the 2020 AAG Conference. The Korean Association of Professional Geographers, 56(3), 177-187. (Corresponding author)

6. Seong, J. C., Hwang, C. S., Stanescu, A., Lee, Y., & Lee, Y. (2022). What Geographers Research: An Analysis of Geography Topics, Clusters, and Trends Using a Keyword Network Analysis Approach and the 2000-2019 AAG Conference Presentations. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 9(1), 1.

7. Choi, H. J., Cho, S. J., Hwang, T., Nam, J., & Hwang, C. S. (2021). Cumulative impact assessment for marine spatial planning: a case study of the Gyeonggi Bay in South Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 114(SI), 360-364. (Corresponding author)

8. Choi, M., Cho, S. J., & Hwang, C. S. (2021). Relieving bottlenecks during evacuations using IoT devices and agent-based simulation. Sustainability, 13(16), 9465. (Corresponding author)

9. Ji, S., Seong, J., Ana, S., Hwang, C. S., & Lee, Y. (2021). Spatiotemporal traffic database construction with Google real-time traffic information and spatiotemporal congestion pattern analysis: A case study of Montgomery County, Maryland, USA. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 56(3), 265-276.

10. Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Seong, J., Ana, S., Ji, S., & Hwang, C. S. (2020). An analysis of the latest trends and topics in geography research using topic modeling. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 55(6), 589-599. (Corresponding author)

11. Hwang, C. S., Hong, S. Y., Hwang, T., & Yang, B. (2020). Strengthening the statistical summaries of economic output areas for urban planning support systems. Sustainability, 12(14), 5640.

12. Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Seong, J., Stanescu, A., & Hwang, C. S. (2020). A comparison of network clustering algorithms in keyword network analysis: A case study with geography conference presentations. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 7(3), 1. (Corresponding author)

13. Chu, G. H., Hwang, C. S., & Choi, J. (2019). A Glimpse Into the Geography of North Korea. The Geography Teacher, 16(4), 150-169.

14. Moon, S., & Hwang, C. S. (2019). User’s Gaze Analysis for Improving Map Label Readability in Way-finding Situation. Korean Journal of Geomatics, 37(5), 343-350. (Corresponding author)

15. Hwang, T., Kim, K., Hwang, C. S., & Cha, C. J. (2019). Geo-visualization of antibiotic resistance based on web map service. Abstracts of the ICA, 1, 133.

16. Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Seong, J., Hwang, T., & Hwang, C. S. (2019). Analysis of GIS research trends in the US with AAG conference presentations from 2000-2019. The Geographical Journal of Korea, 53(4), 495-508. (Corresponding author)

17. Moon, S., Cho, S. J., & Hwang, C. S. (2018). Extracting Location Information From Non-georeferenced Personal Blog Posts: A case of activities after work in Jongro-gu, Seoul. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 53(5), 777-788. (Corresponding author)

18. Chu, G. H., Hwang, C. S., & Choi, J. (2018, May). Teaching Spatial Thinking with the National Atlas of Korea in US Secondary Level Education. In Proceedings of the ICA (Vol. 1, p. 22). Göttingen, Germany: Copernicus Publications.

Conference (Recent 6 years, 2018~2023)


1. 「경향신문」, 2015년 6월 22일, "정부 발간 한국지도집, 미 고교 수업에 처음 쓰인다…독도·동해 표기 오류 줄 듯" 🔗Link 

2. 「연합뉴스」, 2015년 6월 21일, "'우리가 만든 우리 지도' 美 고교수업서 활용된다" 🔗Link

3. 「전자신문」, 2009년 10월 8일, 공간정보산업 유공자.

4. 「매일경제신문」, 2006년 7월 31일, "죽어도 서울? 이유 있네, 응급의료도 양극화 심각" 🔗Link

5. 「매일경제신문」, 2006년 7월 31일, "응급의료 취약지역 조사 어떻게 했나" 🔗Link

6. 「매일경제신문」, 2005년 11월 28일, ""새로운 서울 지도" 학계 반응 뜨거워" 🔗Link

7. 「매일경제신문」, 2005년 11월 27일, "강남ㆍ종로ㆍ신촌 … 사람 몰리는 곳 범죄 조심" 🔗Link

8. 「매일경제신문」, 2005년 11월 22일, "대중교통 이용실태, 교통카드 이용자 분석" 🔗Link

9. 「동아일보」, 2004년 10월 3일, "[7대도시 범죄지도]<4·끝>대구 대전" 🔗Link

10. 「동아일보」, 2004년 10월 1일, "[7대도시 범죄지도]<3>인천 광주" 🔗Link

11. 「동아일보」,  2004년 9월 30일, "[7대도시 범죄지도]<2>부산 울산" 🔗Link

12. 「동아일보」, 2004년 9월 29일, "[7대도시 범죄지도]<1>서울…사람 많은 강남-서초-송파 犯罪 잦아" 🔗Link