Incredible Results

Many aspire to an improved physique and body composition.

But I will tell you now, that unless you address the environment that your body is exposed to such as the nutrition, sun, sleep, stress, activity and the way in which these things affect your health, you may be able to "force" some short term changes, but you will not be able to achieve sustainable long term health, fitness and that body composition you aspire to. ~ Brad Eaton - Director, Lifestyle Works Clinic ~

We encourage you to look through the pages that overview the results of some of our clients.

It is important to understand that the focus relative to your physique not be about weight loss, it should be about "body composition". Why do most programs talk about weight loss? Because they either think your not intelligent enough to understand what body composition is, or they do not understand it themselves.

Why is this important? Here is an example. This gentleman lost 60 lbs, 15% of his original weight. He was still very concerned for his weight given that it was still 336 lbs. Lets take a look:

His new Body Fat % was 26%. He has made good progress and is only 6% away from reaching the limit recommended for men. He went from outside the top limit of the "Above Average" range of the population to the middle of the "Average" for the population.

View this chart on body fat percentages

So how is it possible to weigh 336 lbs and be approaching a fairly respectable body fat percentage? The answer is his free fat mass. He has an excellent bone structure and a good amount of muscle mass.

If the gentleman did not have this information and arbitrarily set a weight loss goal of 230 lbs, he would be pursuing an unnecessary goal and have to loose muscle mass to do it. He would also be stressed into believing he has a long way to go for a healthy body composition.

The chart below will give you an impression of various body compositions and the types of lifestyle changes that would go along with them. Some of the changes are not as hard as you might think.

(mouse over and expand the frame on its top right for optimal view)
