CLass Applications


Look below for links to the following helpful resources

Falcon News Network -- FNN creates content for social media and produces several news programs each week. Complete the application and then Mr. Donakowski will email you for an interview time. 

Educators Rising -- If you are interested in becoming a teacher, complete the application and explore the teaching career opportunities during high school. 

Yearbook -- Please either print this applicaton or complete the Google Form linked in the name.

LINKS -- LINKS mentorship is for students interested in helping students with special needs.  An application is required to get into the class.

Student Council  -- Take a chance on representing your classmates on Student Council.  An application is required to participate in Student Council.

KCTC  -- The Kent Career Technical Center has a variety of career based programs that may be interesting for students.  An application is required to be accepted to KCTC.

Criminal Justice KCTC -- The Criminal Justice program at KCTC has a more extensive application.  Anyone interested in CJ should complete BOTH the CJ application and the regular KCTC application.




KCTC Enrollment Request

Fill out this request if you are interested in attending KCTC next year.  The counselors will submit it to KCTC and then you will be notified if you will be enrolled in April. DUE DATES ARE FIRM


Follow the instructions from this website to apply for Criminal Justice.  Due date is  March 6.  No late applications are accepted. YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETE THE KCTC ENROLLMENT REQUEST.

Yearbook Staff Application


You will need to print the application, fill it out, and return it to Ms. Pretzer in room 29


Either complete the online application or see Mrs. Thomasma in room 41 for a paper application or use this link:

student council

Not seeing anything above? Reauthenticate

Educators Rising

Ed Rising is a class for future teachers in grade 11 or 12. Please complete the application by the end of March. See Ms. Ramahi in room 59 with any questions.

Falcon News Network (FNN)

FNN is very selective, so apply early and completely. Applications are due by March 12. Mr. Donakowski will contact you via email for an interview time and date. See him in room 24 with any questions.