Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I missed doing Day 1 on December 1, can I still participate?

A: Absolutely! This course is structured so that you can complete 1 day of learning for 12 days (Dec 1-Dec 12). With that being said, I tried to build as much flexibility into the course and am leaving the course open a week after December 12 before daily reflections are no longer accepted so SCECH credits can be submitted. Days can be completed at any time and feel free to work ahead or catch up later if you need to.

Q: How long will course materials be available?

A: This course will be available indefinitely at https://bit.ly/edtechcheer-metw.

Q: Can I use the course materials without registering for the course?

A: Of course! We created these materials so that anyone can access them and use them to further their own professional learning. If you take the course with Kent ISD, you'll be eligible for SCECHs.

Individuals using our materials will not be eligible for SCECHs through us, but may be able to work with their professional learning coordinator to make them available.

Q: Can we use your course materials for our district, school, or PLC professional development?

A: Absolutely! We encourage educators to engage with our material for professional development.

Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License which means you may reuse, remix, retain, revise and redistribute as needed as long as you:

  • Attribute us.

  • Don't make people pay to access it.

  • If you revise or remix it, you should share it with the same license.

We also request that if you make improvements on our course, you share them back to us. We'd love to hear how our work influenced yours!