Bacich Body Break 4

"Demonstration, Imitation, Correction, & Repetition- Ultimately you get it, & become the teacher yourself"

-John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach

Join Bacich students as they lead us in some exercises.

You can do these when you need a break, want to energize, or anytime!

Do you want to be featured on a Body Break Video?!

Make a 30-60 second video of yourself doing an exercise. Remember you are leading the whole school, so speak loudly, count each rep, smile and HAVE FUN!

Here are some ideas of exercises you can lead us in. Feel free to come up with your own, too. Check below for examples, or Google, if you don't know what one of them looks like!

Arm Circles




Coffee Grinder

Crazy 8’s


Donkey Kicks


Flying Squirrel


Happy Stars

Incline Push ups

Jumping Jacks

Mountain Climber

Nordic Track


Plank Jacks

Ski Dabbers

Ski Jumpers

Spider Climbers

Steam Engine


Superhero Spinners


Tree Pose

Unicorn kicks

Instructions to make a video for the Bacich Body Break series:

    • Chose an exercise to make a video of yourself leading

    • Make a short video (30-60 seconds) of you leading the exercise:

      • Introduce yourself..."HI, I am ___(first name only)________, from Mr/Ms. _______________ class."

      • Introduce the exercise..."Today I am going to lead _____________"

      • Tell the audience how many to do..."Do 10, or try 20 if you are feeling happy"

      • Get your body into position

      • Say..."Ready, begin" and do 10-20 reps of the exercise and count each one, loudly for the camera to hear you!

      • Have fun!

      • Email to Mrs. Perez

Chose one of these exercises or pick your own!

Spider Climbers

Steam Engine A

Steam Engine B

Unicorn Kicks


Incline Push Ups A

Incline Push Ups B

Ski Jumpers A

Ski Jumpers B

Jumping Jacks


Plank Jacks

Plank Swimmers