Virtual Museum: Exploring Abenaki Culture and Traditions

Welcome to our virtual museum! Our class explored the question, What can we learn from Abenaki culture and traditions about taking care of the planet today?  We researched Abenaki culture and traditions before 1600, before people from Europe arrived in New Hampshire. We came up with five big ideas about how the Abenaki took care of the Earth. Click on the links below to learn more about what we discovered. 

The Abenaki used only natural materials and their trash would not stay around a long time because it was natural. Natural Materials 

The Abenaki showed gratitude and appreciation.Gratitude and Appreciation 

The Abenaki worked together to solve problems and to learn.Working Together 

The Abenaki only took what they needed from nature, not too much. Only Took what they Needed 

The Abenaki used all parts of a resource, they did not waste materials. Used all Parts of a Resource