Class News

Weekly Update


*Our school will be participating in the P.A.C.K. program next week (Pack Assorted Colors for Kids). In order to encourage kids to "eat the rainbow," each day has been assigned a color, and children are encouraged to try a food in that color group, and also to wear that color to school. Participation is of course optional, but if your child would like to participate they can try to bring foods/wear these colors: 

Monday: purple/blue

Tuesday: white/tan/brown

Wednesday: red

Thursday: yellow/orange

Friday: green

*Reminder: We will be meeting virtually with a mechanical engineer from the University of Connecticut on Monday to learn more about forces and motion, as well as more about what an engineer does. 

Math News: We finished up our unit on addition, subtraction, place value, and rounding last week. We solved story problems, played games, and reviewed all we have learned, and then completed an assessment to show our learning. Next week we will begin our unit on multiplication and division. 

Project News: Last week we learned more about friction, gravity, and patterns of motion when we made our own trapeze models. We also learned about static electricity in library class. 

Literacy News: Children have formed teams of three to study one country from the book My Librarian is a Camel. They are learning about unique libraries in their country, and will share what they learn with the rest of the class next week. 

Ask your child...

*How does the stomp rocket change direction when no one touches it? (gravity!)

*Tell me about the motion investigations you did with the trapeze models. Tell me about what you did with the balloons and plastic. 

*Which country are you studying from My Librarian is a Camel? How is the library unique?