How to Create an Email

How to Create an Email

How to create an e-mail using proper etiquette

Recipient (who is going to receive your e-mail)

Be sure to choose the correct name from the KRSD e-mail directory and/or check that you have typed the full and correct e-mail address for your intended recipient. Double check the To: line before you send.

  • Include only people who need to read the e-mail

  • Use cc and bcc sparingly

  • Use reply and reply to all properly

  • Use Urgent/Priority sparingly

  • Use group e-mail only for a message that your entire grade needs to see

Subject Line

  • Use a relevant carefully selected subject line.

  • This is what makes someone decide to read your e-mail or consider it as SPAM.


This is very important in conveying a professional, respectful and polite e-mail message. Use proper salutations such as Hello Mrs. Smith when addressing your elders. Do not use Hey or call your teacher by his/her first name.

Body of the Message/Content

  • Be brief and concise.

  • Don't include confidential or sensitive information in e-mail.

  • No vulgar language, swearing or inappropriate language.

  • Are you angry when you are writing this e-mail? If so, don't send it. Wait or contact the person directly.

  • Is the information accurate and complete?

  • Proper spelling, punctuation and grammar are essential. You are a student so this matters very much. Proofread your e-mail. Run spell check.

  • Does the e-mail present the "issue" factually without unnecessary opinion, emotion, or conjecture?

  • Are there any opinions or statements in the e-mail that might offend someone?

  • Remember tone cannot be heard. Use emoticons but use them sparingly.

  • Be careful with humor or avoid it entirely. What is funny to you may not be funny to your recipient.

  • E-mail is not a text message. Use emoticons and acronyms sparingly. For instance don't LOL an adult.

  • DO NOT USE ALL CAPITALS. IT IMPLIES YOU ARE SHOUTING. If you want to highlight something use bold or (!) as these are the correct ways to bring emphasis to the written word.

  • If you were on the receiving end of this content, what would your reaction be?

  • Could the receiver of the e-mail misconstrue the intent of the email?

  • If someone outside the Kearsarge District read this message, would it reflect favorably upon the District?


Use attachments sparingly. Attachments use up mailbox quota. Be sure the file attachment is labeled properly so the recipient knows whether to open it or not. Be aware that pictures, movies and PowerPoint presentations can be large files so don't send these unless the recipient has stated that it is okay.


Use an informal signature when applicable but always use the signature feature to include your name, school and year of graduation. If using this information is giving someone too much information about you and you're concerned about your safety, then this is not a person that you should be e-mailing.

Proper Use and Care of Email

Passwords must be changed often to maintain the safety of your e-mail account. Do not share your password with anyone. If you forget your password, then OIT will re-set it for you. This could take up to 2 business days, so please be sure to choose a password that you will remember but one that won't be easily guessed by someone.

Be sure to always log off when you are done with your e-mail to prevent another person from gaining access to your account and sending a message under your name.