Digital Portfolios for Students

Why ICT?

(National) National Standards:  ISTE

(State) NH State Regulation:  Ed 306.42

(Local) Kearsarge School Board Policy:  IJNDB-Technology Integration

The ICT Standards should be thought of as knowledge and skills that facilitate your learning of core content material.  ICT shouldn't be thought of as something you do for the sake of using a technology tool.  The technology tool/resource should enhance or promote a deeper understanding of a content area.  

Why Digital Portfolios?

Working towards proficiency with the ICT standards, beginning in Kindergarten and extending through 8th grade, allows you to develop a range of technology skills that should prepare you for high school and life beyond high school.  

Showing proficiency in the ICT standards is very important to us at Kearsarge.  Your digital portfolio is a chance for you to showcase your best work in your various school subjects.  It allows us to see how the ICT strands have supported your learning.

Here is what the research says:

ICT is seen as an enabler rather than an end in itself.  Skill with Information and Communication Technologies enables teachers and learners to connect to better information, ideas and to one another via appropriate and effective combinations of pedagogy in support of learning goals  (White Paper on Education, 2004).

Projects using ICT generally result in an artifact that can be seen as outcome based education or OBE.  Successful demonstrations of learning outcomes are actions and performances that embody and reflect learner competence in using content information, ideas, and tools successfully (Ally, 2009).

KRMS has a  digital portfolio process in place for grades 6-8 to showcase students' abilities to use the Information and Communication Standards in academic subjects.  The ICT Standards come from ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education).  During the Annual National Conference in 2016, ISTE unveiled the 2016 Student Standards.  

This is the third iteration of the technology standards for students and underscores the changing face of technology in education and society.  The image below is a visual representation of the 2016 Standards for Students.  The image is used with permission from ISTE for educational purposes.  The prior standards had 6 strands and the 2016 standards have 7 strands.


KRMS Digital Portfolio Process

This is a preview of what the digital portfolio will look like in Bookcreator. 

You can either flip through each page or use the Table of Contents to navigate to a specific artifact.

Each student will have an interview with an adult at KRMS.  The student will share the portfolio with the "assigned" adult and will be asked the following questions.  The adult evaluator will then score the portfolio using the rubric linked below. 

The digital portfolio from grades 6, 7 and 8 represent a body of evidence of the student's ability to use technology in their school subjects.

Interview Document

YOG 2028 Digital Portfolio Interview

Digital Portfolio Rubric

YOG 2028 DP Scoring 2023-2024