
Personal Throwback

By: Josephine Carrillo (November 12, 2019)

Do you ever just feel like many things have changed and they will never be the same? because, me too. I wish I could go back in time and be little again, even just for a day. Little me wanted to grow so badly, she thought that being a teenager was the best, she was obviously so wrong. I remember going to the park with my friends after school to play tag for at least 2 hours, then go home, play some more with my siblings or watch tv, and sleep; sleep is probably what I miss the most.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe all of us were stress-free when little, and now it is the complete opposite. It is true that while growing up, the challenges in life become harder and harder, and people change, because they experience different situations. For example, I used to think I was going to graduate with my best friends from my old school and go to college with them, but I moved and drifted from them. Truth is, the future is uncertain, we stress about planning our future, where are we going for college?, what is our master going to be?, what am I going to wear to prom?! Instead of living in the present and enjoying it, which we did when we were little because we had no idea about college or careers, we were only focused on having fun.

Clifford the Big Red Dog

By: Alyssa Lopez (October 23, 2019)

Clifford the Big Red Dog was made for those of 3-7 years old. There was an animated tv show starting in 2000 that was based off of the book series. Many people know of Clifford, but not many know of how he became as large as he is. Clifford was the runt of his litter, so he was not expected to grow very big. However, Emily Elizabeth (the girl in the picture above) decided to make Clifford her friend. As a result of all the love Emily gave him, Clifford grew huge. Yet, how huge is Clifford? He is over 25 feet tall! If love could do that to people in reality, then expect some Attack on Titan type stuff to go down.

Kipper the Dog

By: Alyssa Lopez (October 23, 2019)

Kipper the Dog was made by Mick Inkpen for preschool-age children. The books have sold over 8 million copies and have been translated in over 20 languages. He actually had a tv show called Kipper. The tv show and the book series have together earned at least 5 awards. The book series has about 43 books. As for what Kipper is? He is probably a beagle, beagle mix, or a Jack Russell terrier breed. Kipper has a roommate named Mouse and his best friend is a tiger. However, there is one character most people can connect to. That character is Pig and she likes to eat chocolate cake and cookies.


Come Out to Support Maria Zago!

By: Karla Santamaria

Apr. 12 2018

Have plans this Sunday morning? Too bad, this is a great event you won’t want to miss! As her four years in Kearny High School are coming to an end, senior student Maria Zago is working hard to earn some money for a great cause. She's been dancing since she was three and the American Ballet Theater Summer Intensive in Alabama is Maria’s goal. Attending this program is just one of the steps she is taking on the road to getting a career in dance. She shares that she was inspired to do this by her mother’s friends who did something similar for their sons’ soccer teams. This just proves that getting involved in the community always brings a positive result!

Do “Flapjack Fundraisers” sound familiar? That’s what’s going down this Sunday, April 15, 2018 from 8 am to 10 am at Applebee's, and they give her back half the money she makes! To support, find Maria and buy a ticket from her, it’s only a $12 donation that will help Maria!

“If you can’t go, the $12 donation is still super appreciated, only cash unfortunately because I’m handling all the money myself,” Maria says.

We’ve all heard people say, “never give up,” but we don’t always believe it’s helpful advice. Maria’s story, however, only proves that never giving up is one of many keys to success. It really doesn’t take much to have a small fundraiser, like a yard sale, bake sale or “Flapjack Fundraisers.”

Gather a few friends and family, and not only are funds raised for a great cause, but you also get to spend some fun quality time with your community, and meet new people! So come out to support, “...it’s breakfast and people love breakfast food,” Maria shared. It is true though, everyone loves the most important meal of the day!

Throwback Thursday: Barbies

By Alyssa Lopez

Apr. 12 2018

Barbie is a fashion doll launched in March 1959 by Ruth Handler. The parent company was Mattel, Inc. Over the years, Barbie has had a lot of jobs, such as astronaut, NASCAR driver, pilot, and doctor. She also has had over 40 pets, including a lion cub, a zebra, and a panda. Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. And her on and off boyfriend, Ken, has the last name Carson. The company has had at least four lawsuits. A term that has been used to depict the desire to have a physical appearance and lifestyle representative of the Barbie doll is "Barbie Syndrome." Ukrainian model Valeria Lukyanova had her appearance modified based on the physique of Barbie. This just shows you that some people are fake, but the plastic toy itself was fun anyway.

Throwback Thursday: Etch A Sketch

By Alyssa Lopez

Mar. 15 2018

Throwback Thursdays are still a thing, but what about this toy? The Etch A Sketch is a toy most, if not all, kids played with at least once. It is a mechanical drawing toy made by Andrè Cassagnes of France. Twisting the knobs moves a stylus that displaces aluminum powder on the back of the screen, which that leaves a mark where the stylus moved over. In 1960, it sold an amazing number: 600,000 Etch A Sketches. There were remakes of the Etch A Sketch called Etch A Sketch Animator, Etch A Sketch Animator 2000, and Etch A Sketch Color.

Throwback Thursday: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody

By Alyssa Lopez

Feb. 1 2018

This TV show was about twins who caused a ruckus in the Tipton Hotel. Some main characters are Zack, Cody, London, Maddie, Mr. Moseby, Carey, Arwin, and Esteban. The Suite Life of Zack and Cody aired for three years, starting on March 18, 2005. A sequel series was also aired from 2008 to 2011 called The Suite Life on Deck. On March 25, 2011, there was a movie based off of both shows called The Suite Life Movie. This movie and its characters stole the hearts of many. But in the words of Esteban, “No one calls Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez a thief!”

Throwback Thursday: Dunkaroos

By Alyssa Lopez

Jan. 25 2018

This was a popular childhood snack by the Betty Crocker brand. Dunkaroos was first launched in 1990. It is a snack size serving of cookies, that come in different shapes, and icing. They come in different flavors of both the cookie and the icing. The mascot is a kangaroo named Duncan. They are still made in Canada, but stopped being made in the U.S. in 2012. However, in 2016, General Mills, an american multinational manufacturer, encouraged Canadians that are visiting the U.S. to bring the snacks to Americans who want it.

Throwback Thursday: Tamagotchi

By: Alyssa Lopez

Jan. 11 2018

A well known toy from the past was the Tamagotchi. A Tamagotchi was a digital pet that you could feed and bond with. The Tamagotchi was made in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai. The name Tamagotchi comes from the English word watch and the Japanese word “tamago” which means egg. Basically, Tamagotchi means an egg you watch. Either way, Tamagotchi was very famous back in the day, but has since lost popularity. However, miniature Tamagotchis are still made today.

Ways to Keep Warm

By Giuliana Evangelista

Jan. 2 2018

As the Winter comes along, so does the eternal impression that you’re dying. So here are some tips to help you survive yet another winter WITHOUT BREAKING THE DRESS CODE!

  1. Wear layers! Unlike in the summer where even when you don’t have clothes on and still feel like your skin is melting, you can stock up on warmth! To keep the school department happy and you with NO DETENTION wear long sleeves underneath your uniform shirt.
  2. Keep moving. Yes I know nobody likes to exercise, but the more you move, the more your body warms up, so the warmer you are, the happier you are.
  3. DON’T GET SICK! For fish’s sake nobody wants to get sick either and when you’re sick you feel colder, like a frozen fish in the lake.
  4. Wear gloves! The school has no rules about gloves so wear them when you want and wrap up your hands like they’re some sort of wrap you’re about to eat!

Throwback Thursday: iCarly

By Alyssa Lopez

Dec. 28 2017

The TV show, iCarly, came out in 2007 and lasted for five years. It was about a girl named Carly and her internet show. Some loved characters include: Sam, Freddie, Spencer, and Gibby. Spencer was Carly’s brother, Sam was her BFF, Freddie was her friend that had a crush on her, and Gibby was also a friend. This show is hard to forget, especially because of the very different personalities for each character. That, and who could forget Gibby always ridiculously ripping off his shirt?

Throwback Thursday: Furbies

By Alyssa Lopez

Dec. 21 2017

The Furby was first released in 1998 by Tiger Electronics. This toy was a must-have and had continual sales up until 2000. The Furby could be programmed to speak in any one of 24 languages. However, when you first get a Furby they will only speak Furbish, then over time they will begin to speak the designated language. Over 40 million of these adorable, creepy creatures had sold in the first three years of production. A Furby is a furry, creepy, and chirpy thing from the past and you can still buy them.

Fans Await Premiere of The Last Jedi

By Mike Landy

Dec. 14 2017

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away fans due to experience long dry spells with little-to-no fresh Star Wars content to look forward to.

That reign of uncertainty has been ushered out by a revamped trilogy taking place after the events of Return of the Jedi (or 36 ABY in the Star Wars calendar system, ABY stands for After Battle of Yavin.) Star Wars now a Disney-owned entity is churning out films yearly and appealing to a wider fanbase than ever before.

The Last Jedi, the third Star Wars movie in as many years will mark the return to prominence for Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker, the main protagonist in the original saga. Skywalker made an appearance at the end of the 2015 The Force Awakens but had no dialogue, It is expected that he will influence the path of this trilogy’s main character, Rey.

Rey, fresh off of a victory of sorts against the dark Kylo Ren, has made her way to the planet Atch-To in pursuit of a teacher so she may learn to control her newfound force powers. She is accompanied by the familiar R2-D2. Our other heroes are scattered about and will have their own storylines during the film.

Fans also wait with anticipation to see how Director Rian Johnson dealt with the sudden and tragic curve thrown to the film when Carrie Fisher, the voice and face of Princess Leia Organa, passed away last December. It was likely that, had Fisher lived, we would have been given confirmation of Leia’s status as force sensitive.

Andy Serkis’ character Supreme Leader Snoke and the mystery around him has led to two years of fan speculations and theories. Perhaps some of them will be confirmed or refuted in this newest installment.

BB-8, the lovable, soccer ball-like droid that captured audiences’ hearts will be countered by the First Order’s BB-9E.

Despite all of these stories, if you ask a Star Wars fan, they are unlikely to identify any of them as the reason they are excited for the movie. The reason these films work so well is that they capture something that is uniquely unfulfilled by similar science fiction tales. The reason Star Wars is as big as it is (The Force Awakens, is the highest grossing movie of all time at just over 2 billion) is because it is fun. There is no equal when it comes to the one measurement that is most important: fun.

Star Wars movies, more than anything, leave an audience elated. It’s something that makes you long for the days of running around the yard, gifted with the incredible skillset of a Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. In order to appreciate these movies fully, you must embrace them for all their bizarre-ness and enmesh yourself in this made up universe. You must take them for what you see on screen and forget the unspoken nerdiness that you acquire when you understand fully, and care about deeply, the differences and meanings in something as simple as the color of a lightsaber.

I know I look forward to watching the 8th installment of this unrivaled saga. I am also likely to enjoy watching it again - numerous times - in theaters and then going on to discuss and debate it with fellow followers. I expect the force to be strong with this one, and so should you.

Ranking Star Wars Episodes

By Mike Landy

Dec. 14 2017

Star Wars is a classic franchise. Its fans are among the most dedicated and passionate of all fan bases. The series is filled with many classic moments. Each movie is unique and has its own set lf heroes and villains. Attempting to rank these movies is a difficult task but in the spirit of The Last Jedi, I will attempt to do so below:

#1 Empire Strikes Back

The Hoth scene. Training with Yoda. The Han-and-Leia love story. Han frozen in carbonite. Tauntauns! “Luke, I am your father.” This movie has so many scenes that you think of when you think about Star Wars. It is stunningly good and is the first movie I think about when I think of the series as a whole.

#2 Revenge of the Sith

I may be in the minority on this one but I think RoS is a fantastic movie and arguably the most enjoyable to watch.. That being said, it has its fair of shortcomings: an anticlimactic demise for Padme and several dry scenes early but on the whole this is a fantastic movie.. The movie, unlike the other prequels earns your full engagement from the first scene in the Battle Above Coruscant all the way through to the ending with the birth of Luke, Leia, and Vader.. The lightsaber duels are the best in the entire series to date; Anakin Vs. Obi Wan has a case for the best fight scene in any movie, ever.. Especially a one-on-one.. Watching the Order 66 scene is one of my most vivid memories of Star Wars as a child (i was in kindergarten when i saw it in theaters) and one of the most fatalistic in all of the movies.. This movie makes up for two subpar prequels and then some, it should not be lumped in the same category as them.. I would be lying if i said I didn't debate naming one of the prequels the best movie so far but Empire ultimately won out.. Aaand of course,john williams kills it again.

#3 A New Hope

We are at the point now where all of the remaining movies have a legitimate case for being named the best Star Wars movie.. All three are packed with the scenes that define the franchise.. In A New Hope we are introduced to all of our main protagonists (other than Lando) as well as Vader and the Empire.. There is just enough character development to be rooting hard for the rebels by the final Death Star scene. Luke staring at the Tatooine sunset is one of the best scenes ever.. There's the cantina scene, the obi wan vs vader duel, and the garbage pit.. This is a fantastic movie and I'm indebted to it for attracting me to Star Wars at such a young age.. This was a tough ranking but it places below Empire because of it’s several standout scenes and RoS bc it is so fun to watch..

#4 Return of the Jedi

The final installment of the originals, we get to see Anakin fulfill his destiny by restoring balance to the force (sort of.) We see the combined power of Luke and Leia as they rescue Han from Jabba the Hut and leave Boba Fett to slowly die in the Sarlacc Pit. We see Yoda pass away and are introduced to the cuddly ewoks who help to topple the Empire. A lot happens in this movie and it has many memorable moments. It ranks below the other two originals because it doesn't have a "wow" - you could make a case for the scene where Vader kills the Emperor, I suppose -moment like the "Luke i am your father", blowing up the Death Star, or the death of Ben Kenobi.. It repeats a little bit of A New Hope with the Death Star scene but isn't as entertaining because we are provided with little character depth behind Lando and Nien Nunb... Also points off for the dancing scene at the end.. All in all, a very solid, enjoyable Star Wars movie.

#5 The Force Awakens

Initially, I had ranked this one below The Phantom Menace but after rewatching and rethinking I came away realising that this is a much better movie than it is given credit for. Sure, much of it is taken out of the book of the originals… But isn't that kind of the point? It is that nostalgia, those characters and types of scenes that was lacking in the prequels even when the lightsaber duels and effects were stunning. Rey, Finn, and Poe all prove enjoyable and rootable. BB-8 is a cool little droid, I didn't perceive his presence as a total gimmick like I expected. Kylo Ren, makes for a good villain in the beginning of the movie but proves weak in battle against Rey, we’ll see what that is all about soon I suppose. Snoke - the man, or thing, that launched a thousand fan theories - was mystifying and terrifying. Han Solo makes his way out in a predictable but somehow still stunning scene on Starkiller Base. In addition to all of these things, the movie leaves us with the best cliffhanger in any of the Star Wars movies.. Will Luke train Rey? While that may seem obvious, nothing can be taken for granted.

#6 The Phantom Menace

A lot of people write off Phantom Menace because of its complicated storyline, midichlorians, and Jar Jar. I understand those criticisms, the force should have been left undefined, the story is confusing at times (but follow-able), and this is definitely the silliest of all the movies and Jar Jar is a little too present.. But this movie introduces so much that is essential to the prequels: the Jedi Order, Sith Rule of Two, and Anakin as an incomparably powerful force-user and the CGI that will be used to create so many scenes and characters . The pod race is fun, Qui Gon and Obi-Wan are excellent and the duel against Darth Maul at the end is absolutely terrific. Not a bad movie by any stretch but it could've done more.. and less Jar Jar!

#7 Attack of the Clones

Ranking 7th is the 2nd of the 3 prequels.. it has the weakest plot structure, dialogue, and character depth.. The Obi Wan storyline is interesting but following teenage Anakin is dry and clumsy.. Most of the movie is forgettable due largely to the epic arena fight.. The CGI in that and seeing Yoda wield a lightsaber for the first time is almost enough to make you forget about the rest of the movie but not enough to outrank any of the others..

Kearny High School’s Computer Science Appreciation Week

By Brianna Heim

Dec. 12 2017

In celebration of Computer Science Appreciation Week, Mr. Torre’s computer classes (AP, Principles, and Intro) completed an event called “Hour of Code”. The Hour of Code is a global movement that reaches tens of millions of students in more than 180 countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in over 45 languages and there’s no experience needed for kids the ages of 4 to adults of 104. Students in Mr. Torre’s classes had many great things to say about their hour of coding.

Paul Fadeski, a senior, completed the Minecraft coding tutorial in Mr. Torre’s 1st period class using the “Comfortable” level status. His tutorial involved using action and motion programs in order for the game to run smoothly. He completed all the 12 levels smoothly. When asked, Paul said if he could return next year to participate, he would, but rather a more advanced course of it.

He enjoyed his honor of coding and said, “I learned to follow in sequence, it is very important, otherwise the code won’t run properly.”

Priscilla Portes, another senior, completed the Star Wars coding tutorial in Mr. Torre’s 4th periods class, using the “Comfortable” level status. Her coding tutorial involved control methods and how to set your own background.

She completed all the 10 levels of the tutorial, “because of my great teacher,” and she enjoyed so much that she would be willing to participate in the event again next year if it was more difficult for a “better learning and problem-solving growth”.

Frankie Alonso, a junior, decided to try out in the Google sign-in coding tutorial in Mr. Torre’s 6th period. He selected the Beginner level, his tutorial consisted of spinning the letters of “Google” to different degrees and other quirks to change Google’s image.

Frankie did complete all the levels of his code and he’s ready to take part in this event again next year, he hopes that he will have more time to enjoy his “Hour of Code”. Frankie said, “I learned how to call certain actions that make Google look impressive".

Frederick Stein, a sophomore, also completed all the levels of the Minecraft coding tutorial in Mr. Torre’s 7th period on a Beginner level. His coding involved moving, destroying, using the if/then methods. Next year, he’ll be a part of “Hour of Code” again and wishes nothing about it would change because he believes it is fun the way it is.

Claudia Alduquerque, a freshman in Mr. Torre’s 7th period class, tried coding for the first time with the Music Note coding tutorial on the Beginner level. Her code dealt with adding different notes for the codes to run, but she was unable to complete the tutorial. She’d love to try the “Hour of Code” again if it was more interactive and there were more graphics to work with. Overall, Claudia enjoyed her hour of coding.

Muhammad Nadeeon, a senior, chose the Beginner Level of the Crossroad coding tutorial which he had to use motion movement algorithms. If he had the chance to participate in the event again, he’d be more than willing. From his “Hour of Coding” Muhammad learned basic algorithms for movement.

Mr. Torre’s classes all participated in the event “Hour of Code” and received certificates after their completion. The students have a found a way to relate coding to their favorite activities and had a genuinely great time and had fun even though at first they didn’t believe they would.

Not So Awkward Christmas Story

By Alyssa Lopez

Dec. 12 2017

The sound of little feet running floated around the house, but that was nothing compared to the slam of Bruce’s door being pushed open. Bruce unfortunately woke up to his younger sister, Joan, jumping on him and screaming, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Bruce was about to complain when Joan’s words finally registered in his mind. In seconds he jumped out of bed and was running towards the Christmas tree alongside Joan. When they got to the living room where the tree was they screamed, “CHRISTMAS!” However, both of them quickly fell short and shut up when they realized there were more people than their parents. Their whole family was there for Christmas and now everyone was looking at the pair.

Bruce immediately coughed behind his hand awkwardly and said, “Uh, hi everyone…” Beside him Joan just waved. For a few agonizing seconds there was nothing but silence. Then the duo’s mom, Lena, burst out laughing. The family was now just looking at her. “You know it’s gonna be a great day if your mom starts laughing at you the first time she sees you.” Bruce meant to whisper but he was never good at keeping his thoughts to himself. Actually, everyone heard him and broke out into laughter. Bruce smiled and laughed along. He couldn’t help but think, ‘Maybe this Christmas won’t be so bad after all.’ Then Aunt Gina stood up and said, “ As much as I loved this little spectacle, I want my kisses from my niece and nephew!” Joan and Bruce both winced. Aunt Gina was one of those aunts that would hug you and another you in kisses on the cheek. So for the next five minutes they dealt with Aunt Gina’s affection, then after that the next ten minutes were spent saying hello to everyone else. “Alright, alright, I think the kids want to open their presents now. Go ahead kids.” The kids smiled brightly at their mother’s words. The duo looked at each other and rushed the tree. Joan immediately threw herself onto her stomach and tried to get the presents at the back of the tree. Meanwhile, Bruce slid on his knees to the front of the tree and started going through the presents there. Quickly and efficiently, the two had the presents sorted into three piles. One pile had Joan’s presents, the second had Bruce’s presents, and the last had all the other presents for other family members.

Both quickly tore into their presents. Both of them were severely disappointed. “Clothes? Socks?” Joan couldn’t help but ask. Immediately, Aunt Gina said, “Why of course! You two are still growing and we all decided to save you the money and buy clothes for you now. Don’t you both love them?” Bruce and Joan both looked at the matching onesies they held and winced. “Of course, we do!” They said it at the same time, and had their family not been oblivious they would have seen the lies on the duo’s faces. Thankfully, after five hours of awkward eating and chatting, their family left. It was only Joan, Bruce, and Lena. “I am proud of both of you for dealing with our weird family. So here are your Christmas presents from me.”

Bruce and Joan’s heads snapped up and saw their mom holding a bag. When they rushed her, she actually screamed and dropped the bag. The kids grabbed the bag and sorted the presents into two piles, one pile for each of them. “Biggest to smallest presents or vice versa?” Bruce asked his sister. “Start small, go big.” They then ripped into their smallest present. “I got a unicorn!” “I got a book!” Bruce held up his book happily, while Joan did the same with her unicorn. “Alright, next present.” The pair listened to their mom and in seconds unwrapped their next present. “An Xbox one!” “A laptop!” The two were screaming and laughing. “Bruce, we can play together on my new Xbox one!” “Definitely! And I can search things up for you on my laptop!” The two were screaming to one another instead of having an actual conversation. At this point Lena was on the ground laughing. She was laughing so much, she almost couldn’t say, “Open *snort* your last presents kids.” The two quickly put their other presents to the side. They both looked at each other and Joan ripped into her present first. “I got a crafting station! I can finally make stuff without making a mess!” Bruce couldn’t help but laugh. Lena laughed and said, “That’s why I got you that present. I’m honestly done cleaning up after your crafting sessions. I had glue in my hair for a week after the last one.” Bruce just laughed harder and was now rolling on the floor. “Oh shush you. Open your last present.” Bruce finally calmed himself and opened his last present. “I got a bookshelf!” Low and behold, in Bruce’s hands was a box from Ikea containing the parts and tools needed to make a bookshelf. Lena smiled and said, “Well, you are always tripping on the stacks of books in your room since you have so many. So I thought why not get him the bookshelf he has wanted since the start of the year.” Bruce jumped to his feet and said, “I’m going to put it together now!” Joan and Lena followed him. Joan said, “I want to help- Bruce, watch out!” However, Joan’s warning was in vain. A loud crash resounded through the house. As Bruce laid on the ground, Joan fussed over him and Lena was on the ground laughing. He couldn’t help but think, ‘Most awkward and best Christmas ever.’

Different Types of Relatives You Meet During the Holidays

By Giuliana Evangelista

Nov. 29 2017

  1. The Nosy One- This one always seems to butt in your business whether you like it or not. "Come on? A pretty gal like you, doesn't have a boyfriend yet? Where's your job honey?" You know that last one is dripping with venom.
  2. The Classic Grandparent(s)- "What are you wearing?" "What horrible thing you have done to your hair it was perfectly beautiful before!" We can always count on them to embarrass us at the table, which means be prepared at all times.
  3. The "Significant" Other- This one is the newly found girlfriend/boyfriend of the bunch. You've never seen them before, and there's that awkward silence between you two.
  4. The Narcissistic- This one only cares about themselves. "Guys! Guess what I bought last month, I got a new job, there's a new blah blah blah blah blah." The rest is history, as you never really pay attention.
  5. The One "Going Through Some Stuff"- Now, everyone has their days and sometimes it may land on a holiday, but that's just life and it's normal. What's not normal is every single year you hear the exact same things going "badly in their life". They know it's their fault, you know it's their fault, everyone knows it's their fault, they just pretend nothing's wrong with them.
  6. The Photo Addict- Okay, okay, who doesn't like some totally artsy photos to for the sake of having a good Instagram feed? But there's a line... and this person crosses it. Every single second of the day, taking pictures with every single thing or person they could find.

Sweet Potato Soufflè

By Smantha Barros

Nov. 16 2017

Thanksgiving is a time for friends, family, and giving thanks. But most importantly, it's a time for food! Most of us eat all the same foods like turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. But this year, Chef Colletti, the culinary instructor here at Kearny High School, decided to share with us a recipe for a delicious Sweet Potato Soufflè! Chef Colletti created this recipe and made this dish for Thanksgiving brunch at a hotel she used to work at and now Kearny High students have the opportunity to make it themselves and spice up their Thanksgiving meals. Here is the recipe:


4lb sweet potatoes

1 stick unsalted butter (1/2 cup softened)

1 cup sugar

4 large eggs

3 Tablespoons all purpose flour

1 cup milk

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

2 Tablespoons shredded coconut


1/2 cup chopped pecans

2 Tablespoons dark brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


1. Cook potatoes in water until very tender, drain, peel, and reserve.

2. Beat potatoes until smooth; add butter, sugar, eggs, flour, milk, salt, coconut, and extracts.

3. Beat until mixture is very smooth.

4. Pour mixture into oven proof soufflé dish.

5. Combine Pecans, brown sugar, and cinnamon, sprinkle on top.

6. Bake in a hot 350 degree oven for one hour.

Library and Photography Classes Join Together for Project

By Giuliana Evangelista

Nov. 14 2017

There's an art storm coming up! Ms. Donnelly from the photography class and Mrs. Admenta from the Media Center have currently been teaming up for a new project. They are planning on asking photography students to make art according to their assigned genres. The students are supposed to pick a genre, for example Fantasy, and make a book cover based on that genre. After perfecting the art, Ms. Donnelly will print out a large copy and Mrs. Admenta will put up the cover next to its assigned genre. Keep an eye out for more news!

World Vegan Month

By Maria Zago

Nov. 4 2017

November is World Vegan Month! The Vegan Society recognized this at first in 1994 as only a day. It then became a week and it is now an entire month to celebrate the benefits and rapid growth of vegan-friendly products, and how far the movement of a vegan lifestyle has come. Veganism itself is a learning process so this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about a plant based diet and how to eliminate animal products. A vegan lifestyle is a still a new and wild concept to many, so one of your goals should be to encourage others, and share discoveries you make along the way.

The best way to participate is to challenge yourself to go vegan for 30 days and if it ever crossed your mind before, now is the perfect time to start. Like any other goal, it won’t be easy, so here are some things to consider and that might help:

  • Have someone taking this challenge with you! It doesn’t even have to be a competition, just having someone by your side is great motivation and support.
  • Go at your own pace! The early days are probably the hardest but there’s always room for adjustment.
  • Think of it as a lifestyle change, not just a diet, so eat right and don’t forget any essentials. There’s vegan alternatives to almost anything you can think of, so you won't be missing much. Try to swap out just one meal first or your favorite food for a vegan version.
  • Be open to try new things and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember this actually takes time, patience, courage, and curiosity. Just the initial decision to make a change is a huge step so regardless, be sure to give yourself a pat on the back for the progress you make, even if it’s not monumental.

Thirty days may seem like a long time, but it’s only a temporary commitment. It's definitely worth it and you might even last longer than that. Don’t give up, and good luck! To learn more visit https://www.vegansociety.com/take-action/campaigns/world-vegan-month or https://www.vegan.com/how/.

What To Watch

By Samantha Barros

Nov. 2 2017

High school is a mess of homework, classwork, and tests to study for. Sometimes it seems like we don't have time to do anything, but sometimes we're able to find a little time for ourselves. We kick up our feet, grab some popcorn and watch our favorite TV shows. Some of us like the classics from when we were younger, like Spongebob, and some like Netflix hits like 13 Reasons Why. Have you ever wondered what the most popular is among Kearny High School students?

More than 180 Kearny High School students took a poll on their favorite shows. Each students wrote down their favorite TV show. The poll included students from every grade. The results showed a very diverse list of TV shows ranging from comedies like The Office to dramas like Teen Wolf. Out of those 180 students the most popular show was Grey’s Anatomy which made up 9% of the total vote.

Grey's Anatomy is a show about a group of doctors at Seattle Grace Hospital that focuses on the doctors’ lives both in the hospital as they go from surgical interns, to attending to their own personal lives. The show is narrated by Dr. Meredith Grey who is portrayed by Ellen Pompeo.

The second most popular show was Stranger Things which made up 8% of the total vote. Stranger Things is a show about a young boy named Will Bryers, portrayed by Noah Schnapp, who goes missing in a small town. As his friends and the rest of the town try to find him, they uncover things like secret labs and supernatural forces. Things get even more strange when a little girl named Eleven appears.

And we have a tie for third place! Riverdale and Friends both had 6% of the total vote leaving them in third place.

Based on the 1946 Archie Comics, Riverdale is about a group of friends who try to uncover the mysterious murder of Jason Blossom in their small town of Riverdale. Although they all have very different lives, the murder all seems to affect them in some way. The show is narrated by Jughead Jones who is portrayed by Cole Sprouse.

First aired in 1994 and lasting until 2004, Friends, is a comedy about a group of friends living in Manhattan, New York. The show focuses on comedy, family, friendship, and love. The show stars Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Leblanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer.

So now that you know about all these great shows, take a break from the work, get some popcorn, kick your feet up, and relax!

November Break: What to do

By Nicole Cohen-Perez

Nov. 2 2017

There is no doubt that at some point during the school day someone says something along the lines of “I need a day off.” Unlike other years, students have the advantage of a week off from November 6 to November 10. Sometimes people find themselves letting time pass by without doing anything, and often regret it afterwards. The week off is a perfect opportunity to be productive or to do something you never get the chance to do.

Monday: Dedicate time for yourself

  • Sleep
  • Read a book you are interested in
  • Decorate for an upcoming holiday
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Listen to music or renew your playlist

Tuesday: Spend time with friends

  • Movie night
  • Go to the park
  • Go to New York
    • Central Park
    • The New York Botanical Garden
  • Go to the mall

Wednesday: Spend time with family

  • Go to a restaurant
  • Cook a meal together
  • Bring up a question about family ancestry
  • New York
    • Go to the One World Observatory
    • Museum of Natural History

Thursday: Avoid using your phone

  • Go hiking or mountain biking
  • Go apple picking
  • Organize room
  • Do homework or study
  • Workout

Friday: Another day dedicated to yourself

  • Draw, color, or paint
  • Bake a cake or your favorite dessert
  • Do something you have been meaning to do
  • Plan holiday gifts
  • Learn something new

What's For Lunch?

By Lucas Pinheiro

Oct. 2017

When asking what students’ favorite subject is in school, it’s very common to get the response, “Does lunch count?” Lunch lingers in all students’ minds throughout the day, as the same question runs through their head before that precious period: What’s for lunch?

It can be draining to go to the same place for lunch everyday, but it can be a risk to go out of your way to try something new. Still, the one period that’s free of possible homework should be enjoyed daily. So on a $6 budget, my friends and I set off to find good places to eat that you might be missing out on. The critique relied simply on the size of the meal for its cost, and how full it got us on a scale of 1-10.

The first destination of the week was Subs Galore, where I got a turkey mozzarella sub that was $5 including a canned drink. The size of the sub was great for the cost of $4. Despite it’s name however, the majority of loyal customers here said that their $6 baked ziti with chicken parmesan was their favorite choice. In the end, the fullness level for Subs Galore averaged out to be 7.

On day two we arrived to Mi Pueblito (http://www.mipueblitomexican.com/) where we all got chicken quesadillas along with a canned drink for $6. The size of the quesadillas were massive, and everybody saved the rest of their quesadillas for later as a result. The majority of customers claimed that the burrito for $5.50 was their favorite choice, which is also the only choice that doesn’t come with a drink. The fullness level for Mi Pueblito averaged out to be 9.

On day three, we went to local-favorite pizzeria, Nino’s (http://www.mrninos.com/). While there, I decided to try something besides the students’ favorite two slices of pizza and a small fountain drink for $4. For $6, I got a huge chicken sub that came with a medium fountain drink. Its size was impressive and most definitely worth its price. In fact, most of the options on Nino’s menu are worth their price and students should venture beyond the pizza. The fullness level for Nino’s averaged to be 8.

On day four we came upon Hamburgao (http://hamburgao.us/) where everyone got a $5 hamburger that came with a canned drink. It was one of those sandwiches that you have to open your mouth uncomfortably wide to eat it, hence the name “Hamburgao,” which means “big hamburger” in Portuguese. The majority of customers’ favorite food item was the coxinha (coh-sheen-ya), which is a chicken ball that is priced at $2.50. The fullness level for Hamburgao averaged to be 9.

On the final day we went to Subway (http://www.subway.com/en-us). Sure, it is a well known place among students, but it’s $6 half-foot sub that came with a fountain drink and a cookie of your choice was irresistible. Students’ go-to sub was the "Brooklyn Manhattan Transit" and everyone’s favorite cookie was chocolate chip. The best time to go to Subway is November 3rd, which is national sandwich day. But warning, it will be crowded.

That concludes the week-long lunch experiment, which proved to show that there are diverse options for lunch around Kearny High, besides Dunkin Donuts. In the end, we surveyed students on where their favorite place to eat is. Some that weren’t on the list were Brother’s Bakery, Arcos, Yo-Delight, and Domingo’s. With all these options listed, we hope to have introduced new places students can go to indulge in delicious food and do their homework in, although that is not advised.