
Bianka DaSilva

Inspiration to All Women

Junior Bianka DaSilva can be considered an inspiration to many people. This year she has performed great things such as starting her own business to help empower women. Her group, Girl Boss Fix, is dedicated to showing that all women can be Girl Bosses and that any age can do anything. All you have to do is dream big.

“Don’t let other people’s perception of reality alter your’s.”

Her goal is to reach many women and a percentage of all her proceeds go to a Women’s Global Empowerment Fund in order to help many women reach their goals. With her new convention coming up in June, everyone is invited to take part of GIRLBOSSCON on June 22. There will be many panelists with girls such as Giuliana Evangelista and Alyssa Lopez from KHS. There will also be other panelists to speak of their experience. Go get your tickets now!

Make sure to follow her Instagram and check out her website, www.girlbossifx.com for more information! I hope to see you all there!

- Giuliana Evangelista

SGA Elections

By: Anthony Rosas

Everyone keeps up with elections, whether they are within one’s town, state, or country. Candidates must convince voters that they're competent workers who will represent them. The competition to demonstrate how dedicated they are can be exciting and interesting to watch as candidates partake in harsh campaigning. Members of a community thrive on a system which allows them to select a leader suited to meet their demands and needs. Kearny High School recently held their own elections to decide on a president, vice president, and treasurer. There were two candidates for each category: Tenzin Topten and Larissa Szeremeta for president, Tanya Batista and Natalie Vega for vice president, and Ikhlas Lahlou and Breanna Pifano for treasurer. The candidates were asked to prepare a campaign speech video stating how they would benefit the school. Voting took place on a Google form via Google classrooms. Voters had to sign up for the 2021 classroom page and fill out a form. Voting was open from May 27th to May 31st. This year’s winners are Tenzin Topten, Natalie Vega, and Ikhlas Lahlou, three worthy candidates for their respective positions. With the elections over, Kearny High awaits a fun, successful future with our new leaders!

The good, the bad and the ugly of video game movies: Sonic the Hedgehog

By: Ranphy Cabral

As we know many movie producers tend to not stop this trend of live action adaptations of many beloved books, video game characters and comics. Aside from the success that was the Detective Pikachu movie, Paramount Studios began anew project with another notable video game figure-sonic the hedgehog. However, as news, leaks and reports began to spread around the internet, controversy arose about the wellbeing of the movie and the character’s representation. On the fateful day of April 30th, the first official trailer came out, and the company basically achieved their goal--some attention with the disturbing human like detail they have done to many’s beloved childhood character. With about 20 million views, almost 1 million dislikes, and much criticism on the internet, the director of the movie, Jeff Fowler, had tweeted giving some hope for the future of the beloved hedgehog, by saying that the design will be redesigned to look more appealing. All in all, this is as much information as we have gotten so far. Yet, many fans overall and even some actors, such as Jim Carrey, hope that the film isn't as bad as they had experienced.

The Myth of Athens and its History

By: Daniel Sandia

Today, Athens is the capital of Greece, and holds the highest population of all cities in the country. However, thousands of years ago, Athens was its own city apart from Greece and, despite Roman occupation, held their customs and beliefs. Thus is the story of the competition for Athens. The myth’s most accurate telling comes from an old textbook by Apollodorus. The myth goes that in the city of Attica was a king known for his half-man half-serpent appearance, named Cecrops. At the time, the many Greek gods tried to take possession of the cities of Greece by becoming their patrons. Attica was no exception, and the god of the sea, Poseidon, came to the city to become its patron. *He struck the acropolis with his trident creating a salt body of water the people called Erechtheis. However, Athena, also wanting to be patron, planted the first ever olive tree in Attica with Cecrops as witness. Zeus had ordered the 12 gods to judge on who should be the patron of the city and, with Cecrops’ account, Athena won the patronship of Attica, which she accordingly renamed to Athens. Poseidon took out his wrath on the people of Athens by flooding the Thriasian plain. This myth is obviously fictitious but helped give historians valuable insight on what the actual founding of athens could have been like.

*In some versions of the story, Poseidon instead gives the Athenians a horse.

Interview with Mr. Wiener

Anthony Rosa

Poetry is a widespread form of literature in our modern society. Kearny High School embraces the voice poetry provides for a writer by having an annual recital. This year, it was held on April 4th with the help of the poetry club officers and administrators. With 14 writers and 24 poems, the night was filled with students eager to share a part of themselves with the audience. One of the poetry club advisors, Mr. Wiener, was kind enough to answer a few questions.

Q: How long have you been writing poetry?

A: I’ve been writing poetry since I was around 12 or 13.

Q: How did you become interested in writing poetry?

A: I had a great 9th-grade teacher and class.

Q: What is a typical day in the poetry club?

A: We come in and read our original work, and that is really it. It's not a class we don’t have lessons; it is people coming in and reading their original work. It allows students to express themselves poetically; we have done recitals at the public library and in school.

Q: Do you have a favorite poem?

A: Yes, Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night.” I believe it is the most important poem written in the English language, in any language. It tells you that you only have one crack at life and you better make it right.

Q: How does poetry benefit you and those in the poetry club?

A: There are many answers, but the answer I’ll give you is this. If something is inside of me and I don’t want it there and I make a poem and I write it on paper, I give it away and it is no longer mine.

Get to Know Marissa!

By: Karla Santamaria

Marissa is a very sweet girl with a passion for art and an adorable personality. She loves drawing and musical theater. Ever heard of the musical “Be More Chil”? This young lady went to see it before it was cool, she saw it before it was on Broadway and got to meet, greet, and hug George Salazar, one of the stars of the show and now a famous Broadway star. Marissa is a freshman and participated in “High School Musical” this year, which is where she got the title of “the only good freshman” by her cast members. Marissa always walks around with a smile on her face and is just a ray of sunshine. In fact, she has become very popular with the upperclassmen and hangs out with them more than she does people in her grade.

Marissa also shared that she really wants to go see “Hamilton” on Broadway. Her favorite color is blue and rainbow. Above that, she draws in her free time and shared one of her drawings. Marissa spends her free time in school in the chorus room, where she is known as “Peanut” since she is a bit short, but that is just what makes her adorable.


By: Karla Santamaria

If you didn’t go to the talent show last week, you really missed out. From exotic dancers to guitar tunes to slam poetry to a slap of emotions across the face, this year’s talent show did not disappoint. The show had it all, the most exciting and upbeat host, Y.O.G.I. and a group of tough judges, it was an incredible night.

With fifteen very talented acts, only three could place as winners. It must not have been an easy decision to make. In third place came a rapper and a poet. That’s right, this guy was able to master the art of rapping and crafted it into poetry. He recited about ten original verses with a rapper-like tone and had the crowd roaring after each one. Up next, in second place was a very gifted dancer who was simply brilliant. He performed a hip-hop routine beautifully. One could see his smile whilst and after the performance; he really does have a passion for dance. Even if he was nervous at the very beginning, his passion took the best of him and he made that stage his home, and that is pure talent. Last but certainly not least, in first place, was Bailey Canela. This act was not expected by anyone, not even him. He was the last performer of the night and still managed to top all the acts prior and took the prize. This act was a slam poetry recitation written by Bailey himself. In it, he went all out and opened his heart, his story, to the audience. Bailey did not have it easy, and he was brave enough to tell everyone in the auditorium. Not only that, he transformed his story into poetry. It was a very touching and well-written rhyming poem, and after every stanza, one could feel his emotion. Bailey had to stop a few times because he was too emotional to continue, but with a room full of a cheering crowd, Bailey got enough strength to continue and finish his poem. It was truly a beautiful act; he deserved to win.

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Congratulation to Mrs. DeLuca for becoming KHS’s 2019 Teacher of the Year!

By: Ammar Elshikh

The following is an interview conducted with Mrs. DeLuca:

Q: “What is the best part of being a teacher?”

A: “Helping students critically think about the world through literature and about how sources are presented to us.”

Q: “How do you train your students?”

A: “I make them work hard for exams and prepare them for the worst (by timing them, for example).”

Q: “Why did you choose to become a literature teacher?”

A: “I love to read books and become informed of the world. I believe that reading makes you tolerant and that words are extremely powerful.”

Q: “What do you expect from your students?”

A: “I have high expectations from my students, so I expect maximum effort. At the same time, however, I am fair and firm.”

Q: “What are your opinions on using technology for education?”

A: “I believe that Google Classroom is a helpful application that allows me to easily post assignments and Chromebooks are useful for easily taking notes (for the students), but I would rather read an essay on paper instead of one that is typed.”

Q: “How do you respond to those who don’t like to read?”

A: “I try to read about topics that the students are interested in and vary the subject of the texts that are part of assignments. For example, I might switch between science and historical passages.”

Q: “What are your policies for classes that aren’t AP or Honors?”

A: “I still have high expectations, but they are adjusted. No matter the level of the class, I still expect participation, too.”

Once again, congratulations to Mrs. DeLuca for achieving such a feat.

Join Critics’ Cafe Book Club!

By: Karla Santamaria

Do you love to read? Do you like to go in depth with the books you read and analyze them to the core? Perfect! Those are the prerequisites needed to join Critics’ Cafe Book Club. This club is for readers who don’t just like to read, it's for those who love to read and see reading as a necessity to live. If this sounds like you, don’t just keep your ideas to yourself. In this club, you will read good books, discuss some good tea and explore books’ hidden meanings, and do it all with great company. Critics’ Cafe Book Club wants to hear what you have to say and looks for newcomers. Don’t be shy, come out and join!

The Critics’ Cafe Book Club meets one Tuesday a month from 2:40 to 3:15 PM in room 333. The next meetings are coming up on April 16th and May 21st. If you have any other questions about the club or the books, ask Mrs. Amenta up in the media center. If you are really interested in joining, join the Google Classroom. The code is: xpvc3yt. Do not join unless you are truly interested and have already attended at least one of the meetings.

3 days, prelims: Battle of the Classes

By: Ranphy Cabral

It’s only has been 3 weeks before the establishment our our annual Battle of the classes. Performing on March 28th 2019, 20 students from each class : freshman, sophomore, junior, and seniors all battle out against each other to prove who really rules the school. Although much of our teams aren’t revealed yet until that fateful day, we as the students must only quench our curiosity until we all sit down and watch the Battle of the Classes. With Mr. Correnti as the advisor of this annual competition, he is only one who has the knowledge of the challenges that are up to offer, but don’t miss out your classes as they will all finish with group dances at the gym. Come through an watch the battle of the classes by March 28th at the Kearny High School gym bye 7pm until 9pm, 3 dollars for students and 5 dollars for adults. Don't miss out, it’ll be a splat!!!

Dinner and a Show

By: Ranphy Cabral

With the well astounded high school play “High School Musical” on the way, why not give back to our elders with a dinner and a show for free. It all started Wednesday, March 13th at the Kearny High school culinary room with students volunteering from the school provided culinary classes and the national honor society. Before the time of arrival, students with the help of chef Barone and the other head chefs were able to set up the tables, cook the food, and dress up to serve the senior citizens.

As you can see below, the students were able to prepare the desserts below which is a vanilla custard, with blackberrys and a chocolate ring on the top.

Time began to approach and right as students began to wear their chefs coats Chef Barone shares some inspiring words to each of the volunteers (as you can see below) and informed the students about our kearny representation and respect for our senior citizens who may have not been out for a dinner and a show for a long time.

There the senior citizens are treated to a well rounded meal of a white bean vegetable soup, a beef cut second course, and ends off with a vanilla bean custard dinner.

Overall the senior citizens were very grateful in terms of the dinner and are now able to see the fantastic play of High School Musical. However the night had to be finalized with the need to clean; tons of dishes and tons of wishes.

Astonishing Authors


By: Emilio Heras

KHS is home to a variety of talent ranging from vocal talent, athletic, musical, and even literary. Acknowledging such talent, Authors, and juniors at KHS, Giuliana Evangelista and Alyssa Lopez, the authors of the previous Hidden Dimensions novel, held a book signing at the Kearny Public Library this past March 7, 2019. The new addition to their series is titled, Hidden Elements, follows their previous storyline with all new adventure and excitement. Both authors have created a story worth journeying in more and more sequels, prequels, and spin offs. With such capable talent in KHS, there is no doubt the 3rd installment is approaching sooner than expected. Until then, make sure to check out Hidden Dimensions, available on Amazon in paperback, on Kindle unlimited, and don’t forget to read Hidden Elements also available on these platforms. What will be the cost of survival? What is the greater good?

Next Time We Have Break

By: Natalie Vega

It’s the month of March, winter is almost over, and springtime is just around the corner. Before you get all excited, there is one thing that you may or may not know. The next day we have off is during spring break, which begins Friday, April 19th to April 26th. Throughout the whole month of March, there is no day off, not one. Two snow days have already been used and there is only one left. If it doesn’t get used in March, then it could be used during Memorial Day Weekend which is in May. Now although it may seem like spring break is a long time away, just think of how fast it will go by. As fast as a blink of an eye.

Get to Know Charlotte Smits!

Karla Santamaria

Charlotte is a shy girl, but once you get to know her, she really knows how to get the party started! Some of her favorite hobbies are photography, reading, and writing. Her favorite class is, of course, photography, but out of the four main subjects, she enjoys English the most. Charlotte expresses herself on paper, rather than verbally. She keeps different journals and notebooks for poetry and stories she writes on her own. She shared that it takes a while for the creativity to come to her, but once it does, she is invincible on paper!

Above that, Charlotte also shared that she sees herself traveling the world in ten years. Her favorite colors are black and red and her favorite/lucky number is three (3). She is a sophomore here at KHS and loves many things about the school, like some of the classes and art teachers, but she despises pep rallies. One last fun fact, she loves Riverdale with all her heart. With that, Charlotte said goodbye, but she did leave with an end note of one of her favorite quotes. The source of the quote is unknown, but it is very powerful.

“The confident, can break

The happy, can break

The strong, can be weak”

High School Musical: on Stage!

Betsybell Sanchez

Miss Gonzalez is the director of the annual spring musical, with the help of Mr. Gargiulo as well. Kearny High School is producing High School Musical: on Stage! and they are excited to see everyone come and watch. The cast and crew have been sacrificing a lot of time into the show and look forward to performing. The banners have been hung up around town so make sure to keep an eye out!

Everyone should come and watch the shows, which will be on March 14,15, and 16 at 7pm. For students and senior citizens, it will be $8 but adults and everyone else pays $10. If you are unable to come, support by following @khshighschoolmusical on Instagram.

This year, you can also support the Kearny High Music Department with funding by buying a bracelet for $2 to dressing down on March 15th, 2019. We thank you for the support in advance and hope to see everyone come and watch our show!

Student of the Week

By: Betsybell Sanchez

Gianna Nigro is a senior at Kearny High School. Often referred as the baby among her friend group, Gianna only turned 17 in September. Within her four years in high school, she’s made sure to stay active, try new things and overall enjoy herself. Since freshman year, she’s done soccer and basketball. When she got to her sophomore year, she decided to join the track team which she honestly feels was the best decision of her life. She fell in love with the sport and continued doing all three sports her junior year too. Following her heart, she decided to leave soccer during the fall and join cross country. She is excited for outdoor track to start so she could end her high school athletic career on a happy note. After high school, she will continue to run in the cross country and track team of her college. She hopes to run for Ithaca College, which is her number one, but has two other schools she wouldn’t mind attending too. When she isn’t running, she enjoys reading, specifically, the Harry Potter series. She loves to reread them on occasion and proudly belongs to Hufflepuff. Gianna is a part of SGA and also a member of the National Honors Society. She’s participated in 12 Days of Christmas, powderpuff, and Kearny High’s new annual Dance Battle. Counting this year, she has been in Battle of the Classes all four years. Needless to say, Gianna has left her mark at KHS and we wish her the best of luck outside of high school.

Coach of the Year

By: Nora Bouayad

The Kearny High School boys soccer team took home the gold for the 2017-2018 season. They were officially the state champs after an engrossing game against Princeton. The boys were undefeated. Mr. Galka, the head coach brought great honor to the KHS athletic department by receiving coach of the year. He has been coaching for a total of 20 years, but has been coaching varsity for the last 10 years. Mr. Galka grew up in Kearny loving soccer. He takes great pride in conveying the skills he learned throughout the years to his players. His favorite part about coaching is seeing the players grow both mentally and physically. The best part about his job is coaching and teaching in the same area he grew up in.

Places to Eat on Valentines Day

By: Kaylee Salazar

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, why not treat yourself or your loved one to a nice meal? Luckily, our wonderful town of Kearny has plenty of places to choose from. From Peruvian to Italian, there is a different flavor for everyone to enjoy. Some popular eating destinations around town include:

Mi Pueblito (412 Kearny Ave)

Brasas Brazillian Grill (449 Kearny Ave)

Gem Bistro (10 Schuyler Ave)

Saruku Japan (190 Passaic Ave)

Tops Diner (500 Passaic Ave)

Applebees (175 Passaic Ave)

Peter’s Pizzeria (449 Kearny Ave)

If you or your loved one aren’t particular fans of going out and eating at a restaurant, then why not just eat at home? Nowadays, there are plenty of takeout apps that bring any food you could want right to your door. Apps like UberEats, Postmates, Doordash, GrubHub, and many more are always an option and are great if you want the foods you crave at the comfort of your own home.

Best Food To Eat In The Cafeteria

By: Natalie Vega

Do you ever ask yourself what food could possibly be good to eat in the school cafeteria? Sometimes you just have to stay in, especially in the winter when the weather is cold and you don’t feel like going out for lunch. In the school cafeteria there are multiple choices to choose from. There’s the fast food lane, which includes chicken tenders and fries, mozzarella sticks with fries, chicken wraps, and pizza. Also, there’s a place where you can build your own sandwiches, paninis, and wraps. Next the cafeteria has specials of the day such as:

Taco Meat

Chicken Fajita

Meatball Parmesan

Here are just a few of the many options that you can select here at the school cafeteria. Enjoy!

Get to Know Victoria Populim!

By: Karla Santamaria

Victoria is a secret musician! She decided to be brave and open up her feelings to The Kearnian. Her hobbies and secret passions are singing and writing music. Despite the art inside her, Victoria chooses to remain hidden and only engages in her hobbies when the inspiration strikes. When she was younger, Victoria used to take piano lessons, as well. Victoria Populim shared her love and relationship with music to be something that comes and goes, but she simply cannot deny the musician inside her.

Other than her secret dedication to music, Victoria wishes to get into the field of medicine. She is a junior at Kearny High and is currently in the medical program. Victoria is very eager and interested in pursuing something within the field. She rocks the halls with her medical assistant scrub suit and feels proud to wear it too!

Victoria seemed a bit camera shy, as she only agreed on the interview with the condition of her face not being seen. Here’s a last fun fact about Victoria: her favorite color is a mixture between red and purple, similar to a dark magenta. With that, she flew off into the sunset.

Dance Competition

By: Emilio Heras

January 24th, 2019, was a wild night for Kearny High School. Talents from all grade levels competed for the chance to reign supreme in an all-out dance competition that was held at 6:30pm in the KHS Auditorium hosted by Bailey Canela and Breisly Franco. Wonderful performances, both individual and group, glorified the old genres of hip hop we all loved, and the genres of trap, dubstep, rap, pop, and reggaeton familiar to modern society. Opening the competition with the solo act by 3rd place individual winner, Tyler Fitzsimmons, and closing with a solo act completely latino by Ranphy Cabral. KHS staff voted top 3 individual and group performances:

Top 3 Individual Performances

  1. Joshua Antigua
  2. Tenzin Topten
  3. Tyler Fitzsimmons

Top 3 Group Performances

  1. Leslie Ortega, Megan Hsieh, Myckayla Chipelo, and Pedro Correa
  2. Gianna Nigro, Lindsey Murdoch, Abigail Rosas, Daniel Zambrano, Sean Martin, Richard Sanchez, and Gabriel DosSantos
  3. Karen Velasquez, Leandra Alexander, Zina Fayed

KHS teams with talent of all grade levels, and with the help of the class of 2021, excellent choreographic performances captivated an entire audience for a runtime of 1 and ½ hours. Catch the Lip Sync Battle pretty soon and next years KHS Dance-Off.

Mr. Mc Donnell Had A Trip

By: Nora Bouayad

Not many people have the privilege to travel outside of the country, but Kearny High School’s very own, Mr. Mc Donnell, traveled to a total of 13 countries! He traveled to Qatar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Peru. It has always been a goal of his to take a long extended trip so in order to prepare he saved money, had his vaccines updated, and did research about what documents were needed to get into a specific country. He also had a plan because there was so much to do throughout the trip that it would be stressful to go with the flow. He wanted to give back so he traveled with a volunteer group and worked on various projects such as HIV/AIDs support, temple renovations, turtle conservation, animal shelters, soup kitchens, and construction such as houses, roads, and repairs. Mr. Mc Donnell believes that the best way to experience a culture is to work with the people. He said that each country had its own special atmosphere, for example, the people in Tanzania were super generous, the culture in Nepal was unique, and the food in Vietnam was delicious. If he had the chance to go back he would definitely travel to Tanzania again. He got exposed to a unique and different perspective because the women he worked with were so poor but they were a happy group of people. It shows that money doesn’t buy happiness. The women were satisfied with the bare minimum which also proves how much we take for granted. It was such a humbling experience and he learned an amazing lesson that he could carry on for the rest of his life. His most memorable moment was when the women in Tanzania made gifts for him and his family because they barely had anything to give but were willing to give the most they could.


By: Nora Bouayad

With the new Chromebooks comes great extensions such as Grammarly. It's a free app intended to help users with their grammar and spelling. Grammarly can get the mistakes your regular spell check can’t, such as comma placement and tense agreement. It’s a great tool for students and teacher alike.

Poetry Out Loud

By: Natalie Vega

This year's Poetry Out Loud: National Recitation Contest took place on Friday, January 11. There were a total of 40 students competing in this event. One of the teachers in charge of the event, Mrs. Deluca, explains the meaning of it: "It's for students to inspire a love of poetry, to find a poem to convey and interpret emotion. It gives students a chance to find a poem that connects what they are feeling." In the end, there were three winners. The first place winner, Sunnie Jones, will get the chance to represent Kearny High School at the regional competition. Second place went to Wendy Gonzalez and third place went to Sarah Pimentel.

Dance Off!

By: Anthony Rosas

Whether it’s at parties, at home, or with friends and family, everyone dances. It is entertaining if you watch others, but it is also a strange yet exciting way to exercise, so why not attend a dance competition? Kearny High School will proudly host a dance-off to show off some of our best dancers!

The event is set for January 24th, at 6:15. Tickets are $3 for students and $5 for adults; the competition will be held in the auditorium. The dance-off is split into two divisions, groups, and individual dancers. Each act will present their dance, and at the end, two winners will be chosen, one from each division. Prizes are yet to be determined. There will be an intermission with a concession stand outside the auditorium. For the time being there will be ten group acts and ten individual acts. For information about signing up, visit Ms. Gigl in room 228.

The class of 2021 hopes many will attend as the proceeds will go to their fund. This new experience is bound to be exciting and hopefully becomes one of many amazing traditions at Kearny High School. Ms. Gigl and the class of 2021 hope to see everyone there!

Smash Bros Ultimate

By: Ammar Elshikh

Super Smash Bros was first released for the N64 in 1999. The newest edition to the Smash series, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, was released on December 7, 2018. With over 70 characters to choose from, the roster has players from various games, such as Pikachu from Pokemon and Zero Suit Samus from Metroid. There is also a new story mode, called The World of Light, in which you start as Kirby try to liberate all of the characters from the imprisonment by Galeem, the protagonist. You can play in multiple modes, such as smash mode, online, tournament mode, and classic mode. The DLC characters have not yet been released, although Piranha Plant has been confirmed and can be obtained if you purchased a copy of Smash Ultimate before January 31. Smash Ultimate is also played by multitudes of people in school. Being so popular, many students bring their Switch’s to school and play amongst friends, whether in the cafeteria during lunch and study hall or in class during a free period. It’s a great way for friendships to be formed--or completely destroyed.

Cinema Update: January 2019

By: Emilio Heras

The New Year is in effect, and Hollywood shows no sign of slowing down with live action reboots and comic book movies. Since December of last year, there have been multiple trailers for upcoming films such as the live action remakes of Disney’s The Lion King, Aladdin, and Dumbo. Pixar studios released the trailer for the upcoming Toy Story 4 which has a total of 17 million views on Pixar’s YouTube channel. Glass, directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is set to be released on January 18, 2019, a comic book styled thriller in Shyamalan’s Unbreakable trilogy. From the Pokemon Company and Warner Bros., comes Detective Pikachu, based on the popular franchise and starring Ryan Reynolds as the titular Pikachu. In the Monsterverse, we have Godzilla: King of the Monsters, set to crush the Box office on May 31. And finally, Comic Book movies set to be released this year are Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man Far From Home, Shazam, a Joker Standalone film, and a reboot of Hellboy. For a brand new year, there’s surely a lot to look forward to in cinema.

Throwback Thursdays: Teletubbies

By: Alyssa Lopez

The teletubbies was a British tv show first aired in March of 1997. The main characters were Tinky Winky (purple), Dipsy (green), Laa-Laa (yellow), and Po (red). The sun baby, the star of the show, was actually a baby girl named Jessica Smith. Back in 1999, there was a controversy about whether or not Tinky Winky was a homosexual. In the end, it turns out none of the teletubbies have a sexuality. One weird fact is that college students and other older people created a teletubby cult.

So Many Stans

By: Alyssa Lopez

This summer Ms. Gigl, history teacher, went on a trip out of the country for a little less than a month. Starting off in iceland (completely unrelated), she visited Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. She was inspired to go because of an article she read about the ancient silk road and wanted to go see it for herself. She wanted to explore everything she could because of how different the culture, language, and history was in each place. To her, everything was fascinating. Ms. Gigl loved how uncrowded Uzbekistan was and was amazed at Kazakhstan’s massive size. Every single country was very welcoming and safe, which she knows most people would not expect because of the negative stereotypes surrounding them. As a history teacher, Ms. Gigl knew that all of those countries were owned under the Soviet Union and that some of them liked the rule while others didn’t. Overall, Ms. Gigl had an amazing time and can’t wait for her next adventure.

Christmas Recipes

By: Natalie Vega

It’s that time of the year! The holiday season has arrived. It’s the season of good times, music and food! Here are some Christmas desserts that you can make that will make this Christmas joyful.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe


1 cup butter softened

1 cup white sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons hot water

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

1 cup chopped walnuts


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  • Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth.
  • Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla.
  • Dissolve baking soda in hot water.
  • Add to batter along with salt. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts.
  • Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans.
  • Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.

Gingerbread Cookies


6 cups all-purpose flour

Great Value All Purpose Flour, 32 oz

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 tablespoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 cup shortening, melted and cooled slightly

1 cup molasses

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup water

1 egg


  • Sift together the flour, baking powder, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon; set aside.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together the shortening, molasses, brown sugar, water, egg, and vanilla until smooth. Gradually stir in the dry ingredients, until they are completely absorbed. Divide dough into 3 pieces, pat down to 1 1/2 inch thickness, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters. Place cookies 1 inch apart onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
  • Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven. When the cookies are done, they will look dry, but still be soft to the touch. Remove from the baking sheet to cool on wire racks. When cool, the cookies can be frosted with the icing of your choice.

Where to Eat Lunch?

By: Samantha Barros

“When’s lunch?” is a common question among students who are just dying to get out of class and eat after a long morning. When we go out to lunch, where to eat can be a pretty difficult decision. Some of us tend to stick to the same places rather than branch out and try new things. We spoke to several students and they told us what their favorite places to eat were. All the places the students told us about offered a good amount of food for great prices, were close to school, and offered very different types of food.

First on our list is Lily House Chinese food. Although it is a bit farther away from Kearny High School, closer towards Lincoln Middle School, they have a variety of different food options for $5. All student specials come with a soft drink. The options are typical Chinese food options like Sesame chicken and Lo mein.

Next favorite was Vicente’s a Brazilian/Portuguese bakery/eatery. Most people order their Burgers that come with fries and a drink for $5.50. The price varies depending on what you choose to get on your burger. All of their student specials range from as low as $3 to as high as $6. Vicente’s is usually it’s most packed during shortened schedules when students need to get back to school quick as it’s right across the street.

Nino’s Pizzeria is next on our list. Most students order two slices of pizza and a soft drink for $5. Nino’s is farther away, towards QuickChek, and usually fills up very quickly so make sure you give yourself enough time to get there if you plan on eating there.

Hamburgao, a Brazilian restaurant, is another big favorite and is the most expensive on our list. A hamburger from the student specials list and a soft drink is $4.75. Fries are another $2.75. Another favorite is a coxinha (chicken ball) and it costs $2.25. If you want to spend a little more money, you could also get an acai bowl which is the most expensive item. It costs $7.50 plus $0.50 per topping. Because it comes already topped with banana and granola, some would say that the $7.50 price tag is worth it for the amount of food you get.

Last on our list is Subs Galore. They have your typical student special foods like Hamburgers, chicken tenders, and subs. All student specials range from $4 to $7 depending on if you buy a drink or snacks with your order. A favorite among students is their baked ziti that costs $5 with a drink. You also have the option to order a chicken parm with it. Like Vicente's, it’s close to the school which makes it a great place to go to during shortened schedules.

Get to Know Jaclyn Calderon!

By: Karla Santamaria

Jaclyn Calderon is an artist! She considers herself a shy, yet lazy person. She sees beauty in all things around her and loves to have fun. Jaclyn is interested in the beauty of nature and in people. “ I am interested in the way people think. My hobbies are reading, drawing, sleeping, watching youtube, and photography.” Jaclyn shared.

Jaclyn was pretty open about her perspective on KHS. “I think KHS is a school that gives many opportunities and do their best to helps the students. Sometimes teachers give a lot of homework and it can be tiring but it’s still fun.” Like any artist, her favorite subject is art. However, her main focus and preferable form of art, at least for now, is photography. She is currently taking Beginner Photography right here in KHS, which is her favorite class.

Jaclyn may be a photographer, but she is camera shy, so instead of giving us a photo of her, she gave us something better. She shared some of her work, which were some drawings she has done in the past. They are posted below, check them out!

How to Manage Your Time

By: Natalie Vega

Time. Time. Time. All everybody needs is time. Occasionally time can go by so slow or just the opposite. Students, especially, end up always procrastinating and cramming the night before a big test or even waiting the last minute to do homework. With all the work of student’s everyday lives, it can be hard to know where to start. Here are some ways to help manage your time so that you could be productive and get things done effectively.

Eliminate distractions

Remove anything that can distract you such as any electronics. While you are studying turn off your phone’s ringtones and vibrations. Allow yourself to check your phone only once per hour.

Stay Focused

Be in the mental state that is called ‘flow’ – when you are completely immersed and involved in an activity. Flow makes you feel energized and motivated and increases enjoyment of the activity.

Use a calendar or planner

A calendar or a planner are great ways to plan your day. It can help you keep track of your activities and assignments you have for different subjects.

Use a checklist

A checklist is another great way to ensure you stay on task, by listing your tasks and checking them off one by one once completed.

Get organized

Once you have your calendar and checklist set up, you should be well on your way to being better organized. Being organized will save you a lot of time and allow you to manage your time better.

Get a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential to making sure your body and mind are rested and fresh for the next day. It can be hard to concentrate if you didn’t get 7 to 8 hours of sleep the night before. Manage your time better by including sleep in the schedule.

Winter Break

By: Samantha Barros

Who doesn’t love winter break? Christmas, family, food, and most importantly time away from school. These days at first may be amazing but after a few days, they tend to get a little repetitive and boring. But don’t worry! We have some suggestions for making your Winter Break an eventful and relaxing one!

1) Last Minute Shopping and Wrapping

We’ve all done it at least once. We’ve either waited until last minute, or, just completely forgot to buy or wrap one specific gift. Use this time away from school to get your shopping and wrapping done! The last thing anybody would want to do the day before Christmas is run around crowded stores and malls to look for sold out gifts and wrapping paper.

2) Bake or Cook

Over your break, you could make festive holiday foods. Whether it's a classic Christmas cookie or a favorite food from your culture, the holidays entail coming together, usually with food. The Kearnian can even help you with that! Look for Ranphy and Natalie’s articles for recipe suggestions!

3) Secret Santa

Get a group of your closest friends, and do a secret santa gift exchange! The idea is to randomly select a person from your group and buy them a gift. Whoever you get isn’t supposed to know until the entire group gets together and exchanges all their gifts. It's fun, usually cheap, and allows you to make great memories with your friends!

4) Christmas/New Years Party

Who doesn't love a good party? Over the break, throw a Christmas party or New Years party. Whether you celebrate with your friends or your family, it can be a great time with the right planning. And the best part about it is it gives you an excuse to blast ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ on repeat.

5) Travel

You don’t have to travel too far to have a great trip. Take advantage of how close you live to New York City! There's plenty to see and do in Manhattan during the holidays. Visit snowy central park or go ice skating at the rockefeller center. For New Years, go watch the annuel ball drop in Times Square.

6) Sleep In

We all love sleep but don’t seem to get enough of it. Over winter break, or any break for that matter, turn your alarms off and sleep!

Kearny High’s Reconstruction

By: Emilio Heras

Months of renovation and remodeling have finally paid off at Kearny High. Going back to the old greasy staircases would be under-appreciating the improvements for getting to class quicker and safer than on solid marble stair wells where one could easily slip.

New renovations made by constructors include black rubber encased stairs with circled treads that allow for a safe and comfortable walk down 4 flights of stairs.

Another renovation is of the aesthetic type. Railways and each step is coated with red paint to replace the dull brown and gray paint of the past.

Weeks of waiting patiently and taking the closest open flight of stairs can now become experiences of a past Kearny High with the mission of improving anything that can be improved. A beautifully decorative interior is enough to captivate the brilliant and capable minds that Kearny High helps to exceed and spread such brilliance.


By: Nora Bouayad

History was made in this year's Powderpuff game. From the rain to a fight to the first-ever victory from the juniors it was surely an eventful night! With the final score of 16-24, the junior girls definitely were determined for that dub and succeed in their goal. The juniors brought their “a” game because this was the first ever game the seniors lost in 10 years. Although everyone was rooting for the seniors' things took a turn at the end. Maybe after this year, people will have higher expectations for the class of 2020. This will definitely be marked in the books.

Students such as Alex (sophomore) wishes the girls would play real football instead of flag football in order to get the real experience of football. Bailey (senior) believes that it’s a good thing that Powderpuff is open only for upperclassmen because its something to look forward to for your final years of high school. Although its open only to juniors and seniors some students would rather cheer on their friends participating such as Layla (junior). She says that supporting her friends is the best part of coming to the game because you get a nice feeling of pride and satisfaction.

Now balancing school, sports and adding Powderpuff to the mix was not an easy task. Representing the senior class is Allison who states that finding time to do her school work was difficult because of basketball practice and play practice. Another senior named Camilla found it easy balancing time because she said you have to learn time management and knowing what you can handle. Both seniors were upset this will be their last Powderpuff because of all the memories and new people they met. It's bittersweet because they are excited about college and what life will offer them in the future but they can never experience high school again. Camilla and Alison both advise underclassmen to join because it's a great way to make new friends and should be something you experience at least once.

Experiencing something for the first time is always exciting and that's exactly what Alexis felt. He speaks for the junior class and is extremely happy with the results. He found it pretty easy to manage his time because fall sports had just ended and indoor track won’t start until the Monday after Thanksgiving. He stated that although practice started off messy they all got the hang of it and worked together as a team. Even when people had their hopes up for the seniors to take home the trophy the juniors worked hard to earn their spot as number one.

Covering Cameras on Chromebooks

By: Natalie Vega

The Chromebooks that students got have been quite useful for the past couple of weeks. Students use these Chromebooks for many things involving school and it has been a key tool in their everyday lives. But have you ever wonder who or what is behind the camera that you see at the top of your Chromebooks? Many students have said that it could be school administrators who want to monitor or watch what kids are doing and others have said that it could possibly be the FBI spying on us. Some students here at KHS have taken actions to hide the camera so that nobody can watch them while they are on their Chromebooks. For example, some have taped a small piece of paper over the camera and others just simply put tape covering the camera. Although the cameras do cause suspicion, nobody will ever know if people are actually watching behind those cameras.

New Chef

Katie Vicente

In the fall of 2018, Kearny High School hired a new culinary teacher named Mr. Heary. He began working mid October of this year. Below is an interview to find out more about the new teacher.

Katie Vicente: How do you like working at Kearny High School?

Mr. David Heary: I like the students and how respectful they are. I also like working with the other staff members. The school also has great school spirit.

KV: What did you do before working here?

DH: For eight years I was working at Lower Cape May High School and started a culinary program there. Before that I was a chef at a restaurant in Cape May and I also worked as a chef in a restaurant in Seabright.

KV: How did you become a chef ?

DH: I had a career change 20 years ago

KV: How many years have you been a chef?

DH: Well I’ve been cooking since I was 12, but I’ve been a chef for 14 years now.

Board of Education Meeting

By: Gabriella Parodi and Ana Henriques

On the night of November 19th the Kearny Board of Education held a board meeting and this one would prove to be one many teachers and students alike will remember. During this meeting the board was honoring student athletes that had just finished their fall seasons. Most students felt intrigued to stay because many of their former teachers and present teacher were there to fight for their contract. Many of the students that were present noticed that teachers and parents were speaking their minds to board members who seemed emotionless, not reacting to what people were saying. There was one student, though, who spoke out to the members. She described her struggles with health problems and how her teachers never gave up on her and it made her determined to persevere through anything life threw at her. Her speaking up made many people think about how much our teachers do for us and how much they care. The events of this board meeting have prompted many to want to go to the next meeting and speak in support of their teachers. If you would like to support the next Board of Education Meeting it will be the first Monday in December. Feel free to speak your mind on anything you feel is vital about Kearny schools.

Early Winter, Sports and Crashes

By Ranphy Cabral

Another season has arrived at Kearny High School. With the introduction of swimming and bowling, many sports have begun. Indoor Track, Basketball, and Crew training will start shortly after Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, a massive snowstorm occurred similar to the one from October 2014. This snowstorm severely postponed transportation and blocked off streets due to the various occurring car crashes. Additionally, high school students had a difficult time returning home such as those, who usually ride a bike, would slip and fall faster than kids who walked home. On top of that, all sports had to be canceled for Thursday, but on Friday swimming continued. This snowstorm didn’t only prevent local transportation for the residents, but to the teachers. They had to reside on staying at hotels or face the horrible traffic.

How to De-stress

By: Karla Santamaria

Stress is very common, especially among high school students. Freshmen are just starting out their four-year journey and getting into the flow of things. Sophomores can barely fathom how this year is worse than last year. Juniors are under the pressure of exams and university visits. Seniors are just shocked they have survived this long. Basically, everyone is at least a little stressed, or if not, they will be stressed at some point. Here, stay and read. I have some tips.


This first one may seem a bit odd. Obviously, we’re all breathing. It’s what keeps people alive. When we are stressed, however, taking a deep breath can be so soothing. Don’t just breathe for the sake of it. You know when the doctor asks you to take a deep breath to check your heart? Breathe like that. Close your eyes, let go, forget whatever may be happening in the moment, give yourself a second and breathe. It works wonders.

2. Eat well

Life throws a lot at us. It’s unfair, yes, but there is always one thing that will help us relax during these moments. You have no excuse on this one, you literally have to do it to survive. Eat. Eat your favorite foods, or mix it up with some healthy foods. After all, you are what you eat. If you consume enjoyable foods, you will be in a better mood and therefore, have a better outlook on life and your problems. Eating healthy also helps, as it will give you an energy boost and will improve your physical and mental health.

3. Get some sleep

The healthy thing to do is get eight hours of sleep each night. Unfortunately, most high school students don’t have a sleeping schedule. If this is you, take naps into consideration. Set an alarm and take a nap for an hour or two. Sleep helps you de-stress and will make you more productive when you wake up. Naps are truly underrated, try them out.

Whenever you feel defeated or just feel so stressed you are deep down in the dumps, give these tips a try. They will sure help you out in your journey.

No One Scares Better than Michael

Emilio Heras

It’s official. Halloween is here. And what better way to get in the spooky spirit of these grim hours than to indulge in the latest horror flick, Halloween (2018). The film is a rebooted version of the well known 1978 original directed by John Carpenter, also known for movies like The Thing (1982), The Fog (1980), and Escape from New York (1981). The film grossed a surprising $40 million at the October Box Office in 1978, and $70 million worldwide. In a year of movies such as Grease, Superman, and National Lampoon’s Animal House, one stood above its peers and was considered one of the most revolutionary films in the horror genre. It eventually led to the creation of “slasher films” such as Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Scream.

Michael Myers (not Mike Myers from movies such as Wayne’s World, the Austin Powers franchise, and the Shrek franchise) will forever be the reason as to why people dress as Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, and Hannibal Lecter. So if you’re looking forward to see the 2018 reboot, or would like to indulge in a horrifyingly well directed, great acted, and shockingly fantastic film, watch Halloween (1978).

What’s New at KHS?

Karla Santamaria

Kearny High is changing, not only that, it’s changing for the better. Construction is nearly complete, chromebooks are being carried around and there are new classes and benefits being offered. Perhaps change is not too bad.

One may be overwhelmed with the array of classes offered at Kearny High. There can be a lot that meet your interests and some that really don’t spark any excitement. If and when debating new classes to take, make sure to consider Intro to Tech and Intro to Dance, as those are the two classes Kearny High has added this year. They can be found on the first floor in the old building. If interested, make a quick trip to guidance to ask for room numbers.

Now this is a very important update coming from Ms. Dorothy Caufield, herself, from the counseling office. All AP students, listen up! Kearny High School has been accepted by College Board to participate in the Fee Relief Pilot Program. Thanks to this, more AP students will be able to take the AP exam, as it will reduce $20 from each student’s fee. The new cost will be $74. Students will be able to register from any computer with Internet access. Visit www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/310655 to register. Keep in mind that this will only apply to you if you do not already receive any financial help offered by the school. For example, if you receive free or reduced lunch, this will not apply to you. Here are some important dates to mark, if interested in registering:

  • Feb 25, 2019 at 7:00 am - registration begins
  • Mar 6, 2019 at 11:00 pm - registration ends

For more information, please contact Ms. Caufield in the counseling office. Her email is dcaufield@kearnyschools.com.

Tips to do on November Break

Natalie Vega

Ever wonder what to do on school break? Well here are some tips to make this November break (11/05/18-11/09/18) enjoyable! First, sleeping is always a popular activity for many. With all the business of student’s everyday lives, a week off of school is a great way to just relax. Another way to spend time on this break is by watching TV or movies. Binge-watching shows/movies is another way to relax yet still enjoy some entertainment. For all those bookworms out there, catching up on some reading may be the way to go. For the artistic people, drawing or creating artwork is always good for monopolizing time. Lastly, if relaxing just isn’t enough, being active by taking walks (if you like the cold weather) is another option. These are all but a few tips of activities to do to make this break not so boring. Enjoy your break!

Things to do during break

Natalie Vega

Ever wonder what to do on school break? Well here are some tips to make this November break (11/05/18-11/09/18) enjoyable! First, sleeping is always a popular activity for many. With all the busyness of student’s everyday lives, a week off of school is a great way to just relax. Another way to spend time on this break is by watching TV or movies. Binge-watching shows/movies is another way to relax yet still enjoy some entertainment. For all those bookworms out there, catching up on some reading may be the way to go. For the artistic people, drawing or creating artwork is always good for monopolizing time. Lastly, if relaxing just isn’t enough, being active by taking walks (if you like the cold weather) is another option. These are all but a few tips of activities to do to make this break not so boring. Enjoy your break!

Costume Restrictions

Ammar Elsihikh

It’s spooky season--which means it’s the time for wearing creative costumes! From vampires to scarecrows, Halloween truly brings out the creativity of people. Halloween this year will be on a Wednesday, which means you may come to school with your costume. There are, however, restrictions upon what you are able to wear. According to Ms. Richardson, your face must be visible (which means no masks and heavy face makeup), there musn’t be any inappropriate costumes (such as those exposing too much of the body), you may not possess anything that resembles a weapon (whether plastic or not). Ultimately, she must be able to identify you!

Prose Fest

Karla Santamaria

I’m sure we’ve all heard our teachers talk about it or at least heard it around. The Prose Fest—it has such a nice ring to it. In case you’re familiar with the event and would like to know more about it, or have never heard about it ever, this is the article to read!

The Prose Fest is an opportunity to go up on stage and recite something from literature, with a 3-minute time limit. Anyone is welcome to participate, as long as it is during their English period. To sign up, all you have to do is talk to your English teacher ahead of time, and you’re in!

I interviewed the mind who inspired the Prose Fest, the one and only Mrs. Astrella. She had a vision to enhance everyone’s day, to provide an opportunity to enlighten others with the gift of literature, and thus, with the help of other teachers, the Prose Fest came about! It only started last year, with the construction and everything going on, a nice, calm period of hearing excerpts and how they inspired others to go up on that stage was truly a nice pause. Last year, students and teachers went up to recite, it was very successful. Inspiring as well—I can speak from experience that the Prose Fest truly inspired me.

According to Mrs. Astrella, she collaborated Ms. Keim and Ms. Viso. Together, they designed the banner that was hung up, along with the bracelet that is awarded to you, if you recite. I, usually being a very shy person, was inspired to go up there, which felt amazing. The picture below is the bracelet that was awarded last year.

I would very much recommend trying out the Prose Fest. Even if you don’t participate, it is still something to look forward to because who doesn’t love a calm period listening to people go up on stage? Any excerpt, from funny to deep to obscure to magical, is enlightening. With the Prose Fest, not only will we be educating those around us, but we will be learning more about ourselves as well.

Poetry Trip!

Natalie Vega

This year's poetry trip will take place on Friday, October 19, 2018 at the NJPAC in Newark, NJ. Students from other high schools will be attending this event. Students along with Mrs. Deluca, a Language Arts teacher at KHS, will partake in a day full of activities such as listening to other poets and reading their work. Students will get lunch from the food trucks that will be there and hear about different topics that will expose them to more poetry. The purpose for this year's trip is to enable students to hear powerful works of poetry written by others and also show them how other people express themselves and how they feel in their work.

Spirit Week

Samantha Barros

The week of September 24 to the 28th, Kearny High School students were able to show off their school spirit by participating in spirit week! Students were to dress according to themes for the entire week and some went above and beyond to show their spirit and make this years spirit week a memorable one.

On Monday our theme was pajama day, which I'm sure many teachers and students were looking forward to. Some rolled out of bed in plain old pajama pants while some came dressed in onesies! Teachers like Mr. Correnti, Ms. Gigal, Ms. Hoehe, Mr. Savage, and Coach Z all wore matching pajamas.

Tuesday was Disney day which gave students the opportunity To visit their childhood for a day. It was mostly a sea of different Disney shirts ranging from Mickey Mouse to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

On Wednesday we were all able to take a vacation for the day, or pretend we did, on Hawaiian day! Colorful, flowery, and tropical attire brightened up the school and some even came sporting leis and grass skirts!

Throwback Thursday is always an interesting one with people dressed in attire from several very different times. The freshman rocked the 60s look, the sophomores the 70s, juniors 80s and seniors 90s. Because some of the students parents have clothing from some of these times, this theme can be a really accurate blast from the past!

And on our last day of spirit week, Friday the 28th, students supported their classes by wearing their class colors. Class of 2022 dressed in green, 2021 dressed in blue, 2020 in red and 2019 in black.

Spirit week is always a fun time and is a great way to show your school spirit. It is an opportunity to be as creative as you want so we encourage you to participate in spirit week next year if you didn't this year and we encourage you to have fun while doing it!


BY: Samantha Barros

As some of you may know, Kearny High School will be getting Chromebook laptops! All students at Kearny High School are scheduled to receive their chromebooks by the end of September and after to speaking to students, we learned that a majority are excited about receiving their own laptops. We also wanted to to see how teachers were going to take advantage of this new way of learning.

In all major subjects, the chromebooks will be paired with Google Classroom, an online program by Google that allows teachers to make virtual classrooms were they can assign work to their students and interact with them online.

In the English and History departments, the chromebooks will be used for research, essays, and note taking.

In the Science department, in addition to research and note taking, the chromebooks will be used for virtual labs. Virtual labs are good for classes like forensics in which certain labs cannot be performed in class.

In the Math department, the chromebooks will be used for practice purposes as it is difficult to use them for teaching math.Students will also be able to access their textbooks and worksheets online instead of having to bring their textbooks to class. They will also be made aware of programs that will help them practice and learn math.

In music classes, rather than using sheet music, everything will be done through programs online. These programs allow students to write their own music online, play it back to them, and practice their skills. Google classroom in music classes is also convenient for announcing rehearsals and dates for shows.

For teachers that don’t have specific plans for their classes and chromebooks, they are still excited for the convenience that comes with google classrooms and programs alike. Teachers will be attending workshops that help them learn how to use new pro


BY: Anthony Rosas

Whether it was from a teacher or a student, you have probably already heard about the chromebooks. Kearny High School has recently been provided with funding for new laptops this year!

The chromebooks are expected to be delivered within the next two weeks or somewhere around the end of September. Once they arrive, they will be distributed to grades 12, 11, 10, and 9, respectively. The new laptops will also be assigned during the English classes. The chromebooks are for the students to be completely responsible for for four years, then they will be returned to the school. During an interview with Mrs. Richardson, she mentioned that the school has been searching for funding for some time. “I love the idea,” said Mrs. Richardson, who is excited to see more modern technology be integrated into our school system. In a world full of technology, it is important to stay updated on learning tools many schools are adopting. The new laptops will make it much simpler to access online textbooks, do research, and type essays.

New laptops are surely going to improve our schools an education by providing us with many useful resources. Incorporating chromebooks is an exciting project that will lead us to a more productive and wonderful school year.


BY: Karla Santamaría

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Well, just writing it is the first step. For people to read the book, it must be published. It may sound like a long, tough process. Writing the book, editing it, publishing it, it almost seems impossible for high school students like you and I. However, two of our fellow peers from KHS pulled it off!

Giuliana Evangelista and Alyssa Lopez are two juniors, and are the authors of the book “Hidden Dimensions.” Both girls were bored in their geometry class one day, so instead of focusing on shapes and angles, they decided to brainstorm ideas for a book. The more they thought, the more inspired they were. Then one day, they had an actual book as a result! According to them, Giuliana was the one who insisted on the publishing. The two authors are members of the Kearnian, as well. If you see them, keep in mind that they are now authors of a published book. Remember, if we fight for what we want, small ideas can become big results! Sometimes not paying attention in class, actually pays off.

The two juniors will be having a book signing on Saturday in the Kearny Public Library from 11am to 1pm. Interested readers will be able to buy the book for $10. Come support Giuliana and Alyssa for their persistence and dedication to publishing “Hidden Dimensions!”


School is back and big changes have been made in KHS. Students were introduced to a new and proved high school on September 6th. Within the school as well as outside the school there have been improvements. The trailers that sat outside of the high school for years are finally gone and have been replaced with new grass and a brick path with customizable pavers available. Upon walking in the school there is a timeline that highlights Kearny High School’s greatest achievements and alumni. Located on the third floor the corner doorways have been repainted with bright red walls and “Kardinal Nation” in bold letters. Students are loving the improvements made to the cafeteria. “Kardinal Kafe” is painted above where students get lunch, and “Kardinal Nest” is painted in bright lettering above the seating area of the cafeteria. Another highlight to the cafeteria are two paintings of successful Alumni of Kearny High School. These include John Harkes who was captain of the men's USA soccer team and Pulitzer prize winner INSERT NAME HERE. Students are giving great feedback to their new school atmosphere; “It finally feels like we’ve got some school spirit” says school president Sean Martin. Thanks to the many new improvements to Kearny High School, we are in for a great 2018-2019 school year!