
The CE Course

The primary outcome from my capstone project is the development of a CE course on elder abuse to equip OT Practitioners with the knowledge to identify, address and report abuse. Below you will find images and videos of different parts of the course.


At the end of the course, learners were provided with this infographic and encouraged to print it and display it at their workplace. The QR code leads to a Resource Sheet document (see below).

Resource Sheet

The resource sheet provides additional information on steps to reporting elder abuse and resources including websites and hotlines.

Page 1 of Resource Sheet
Page 2 of Resource Sheet

Case Study

Towards the end of the CE course, learners applied their knowledge of the course content including recognition of signs and symptoms and steps to reporting abuse by completing an interactive case study. Click the play button on the case study to see a brief interaction.

Case Study.mov


At the end of the CE course, learners are required to take a final 10 multiple choice question test. Learners were required to score at least a 75% to pass and receive their certificate of completion.

The Article

At Week 10, I began developing an outline and writing the content for an article to be published in NJOTA's nOTeworthy newsletter. This focus of this article was to educate OT practitioners on NJ state laws and regulations surrounding elder abuse to promote awareness and recognition of personal responsibility of reporting. The article was submitted to NJOTA by the end of the capstone to be published in the October 2022 edition. 

An infographic included within the NJOTA article that includes NJ state rules for OT practitioners reporting elder abuse.

Learning about AOTA

In order to fulfill my SLO #4 (Molly will participate in 2 total opportunities to develop an understanding of AOTA's business, governance structure, and external policy endeavors in order to inform future professional development endeavors), I participated in multiple learning opportunities throughout the 14 week capstone. Here are the following opportunities I pursued to develop a deeper knowledge of the inner workings of AOTA: