Zespol Szkol - Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej i Ustawicznej im. Mikolaja Kopernika


Rawa Mazowiecka is located in the middle of Poland. It is 70 kilometers away from Warsaw (polish capital city) and 50 kilometers from Łódź. Our city is located in Łódź province.

Our school – Zespół Szkół Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej i Ustawicznej name Nicholas Copernicus has 840 students and over 70 years of tradition in vocational education. Students are currently studying in the following professions:

- construction technician,

- IT specialist,

- trade technician,

- -hotel industry,

- mechatronics technician,

- car technician,

- nutrition and catering services

The school is open to the world our students travel around Europe not only to learn a profession, they also take part in other Erasmus Plus projects - Getting ready for European Job Market - implemented together with Spanish and Germans, and the cooperation project with Hungary and Germany has just started: Road to friendship – Experience Europe on the international mountain trail of friendship.