
Roland Claassen
Assistant Director

 Prepare for an immersive journey as you dive into the captivating world of "The Hiding Eel" and submerge yourself in the exhilarating realm of "The Truth About Life as a Pro Gamer". These two books promise an adventure like no other! Find them waiting for you on myON, and don't miss the chance to showcase your knowledge with the AR quiz at school for those fantastic bonus points. Let the reading excitement begin!

The Hiding Eel

 Fifi is the new grouper fish in the town, and Leon the eel is worried that she will eat him. After hiding for weeks, Leon must finally come out and find some food. What will happen when he faces Fifi?

The Truth About Life as a Pro Gamer

 How does someone become a pro gamer? What do pro gamers do? Learn about how pro gamers compete, train, and more!