~ Phebe Yun
English Teacher

Inviting You to Our World

 Is your neighborhood a nice place to live? Would it be a good place for a family to move to? How would you make them feel impressed enough to want to move there? In our fourth-grade Achieve Writing project, "Welcome to My Neighborhood", students were on a mission to do just that. 

 After learning that the fictional Smith family were looking for a place to live, our students set out to find the reasons why their own neighborhood is the best place for a nice family to settle in. To do that, they had to understand the features and atmosphere so they could persuade the Smiths to fall in love with their neighborhood.

Embracing the Spirit of Community

 One important part of the research students did to complete their writing was to take a real-life look at their own neighborhoods. We asked students to take notes or photos as they walked around or while they rode in a car or bus. This step made them notice things they never noticed before, such as how many shops and parks there are, or how clean the roads are.

 During this Achieve Writing project, students didn’t merely observe their neighborhoods; they explored and experience the best elements they have. Through hands-on exploration, they developed a sincere appreciation for the vibrant uniqueness that their neighborhood possesses. As they delved into the project, a profound sense of pride for their own neighborhood began to blossom, fostering a connection that goes beyond the writing.

From Mundane to Magnificent

 With the research complete, it was time to write. But we didn’t just ask students to simply make a list of the things they observed. Instead, we taught them to enhance their writing with a key persuasive tool: the use of hyperbole. 

 Hyperbole transition mundane statements like "there are many convenience stores" to vividly-painted pictures: "There is a convenience store around every corner! Take just three steps, and you'll find a convenience store." Through hyperbole, students learned to use the power of language to transform ordinary descriptions into enticing ones. Of course, their hyperbole had to be based in fact, and couldn’t be too unrealistic.

Mastering the Art of Persuasion

 Finally, students had written exciting, persuasive introductions to send to the Smith family. Of course, the Smiths don’t really exist, and the task was simply a way for us to teach students to use real-world observations and persuasive writing techniques to create excellent work. They turned things as simple as neighborhood parks and convenience stores into well-developed advertisements for their homes. Not only did they come to appreciate the city they live in, but they also learned about the art of persuasion. 

 The results from our students in this Achieve Writing project was nothing short of inspiring. They discovered their love and pride for their own neighborhoods and used hyperbole to enrich their writing to make it more persuasive and inviting to the readers. On the next page, you can find some of their work. As you read, be captivated by their creative expressions and persuasive prowess. Let’s explore the best features of the students’ neighborhoods, skillfully crafted by the young minds of our fourth-grade students.

 Are you ready to be enchanted? Keep reading as we unveil how the talented readers attract others to live in their neighborhood!

Welcome to My Neighborhood 

Winnie Cheng 鄭卉妤 401

 I know that you are looking for a perfect neighborhood. Qingshan Village is the best place for you. Thousands of people love Qingshan Village and they say it’s as beautiful and comfortable as a castle. There are no reasons not to live here! 

 Qingshan Town is exceptionally convenient. There are buses that can bring you to and from the town. There are also supermarkets full of the greenest and healthiest vegetables in the whole world. The best part is the restaurants. I love the food they cook! If you have a birthday party, call them. They will make delicious cakes for you.

 Qingshan Town is safe. There are gates almost everywhere. There are security guards, too. It’s like a town with thousands of magical eyes. Qingshan Town is as safe as the President’s Palace!

 So come to Qingshan Town today! It’s even close to Kang Chiao. Don’t wait anymore. Qingshan Town is perfect for you. If you don’t, you will regret it!

Gigi Tu 涂嘉其 404

 You should come to my neighborhood, Zhonghe! It’s very convenient. There are lots of bubble tea shops and restaurants, and a Chinese medicine hospital. Zhonghe is the best in the world!

 My neighborhood is quiet at night. There are almost no cars on the streets. It’s very peaceful and enjoyable. You won’t be distracted when you when you are sleeping.

 My neighborhood is very safe because there are police stations and fire stations. The police and firefighters can come to your house in one second if you are in danger.

 Zhonghe is a really good place. It’s convenient, safe, and quiet. When you live here, you feel like you are living in paradise. So what are you waiting for? Come to my neighborhood quickly! 

Julian Ma 馬嘉恩 407

 Welcome to Guang Fu South Road! This road will “wow” you! It’s fun, convenient, memorable, and close to other places, so this is a place you’ll like. 

 My neighborhood has Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. Everyday, people around the country come here. If you come, you’ll see actual soldiers to a play every hour about how they saved the nation. There’s also a super cool art gallery and exhibit of Sun Yat Sen’s life. At the end, you’ll see a gift shop that would make billionaires jump off the wall.

 This is a small neighborhood, but a small neighborhood can also have a lot of surprises. There are restaurants, cafes, convenience stores, and more. Nowhere else has all of this. Our stores are much better than anywhere else on Earth! Come on to Guang Fu South Road!

Max Su 蘇柏予 402

 Welcome to Xinyi District! I know you are still looking for a place for you and your family to live. You can come to Xinyi District because it is convenient and beautiful.

 Xinyi is convenient. The amount of convenience stores here is crazy. You can see three of them on the same street! The transportation here is also convenient. There are MRT stations and bus stops everywhere!

 Xinyi is beautiful. If you want to visit a museum on the weekend, Sun Yat Set Memorial Hall is a great choice because it is near Xinyi and it can teach you a lot of things. If you want a good view, you can go to Yangming Shan in Xinyi. It is so beautiful that you will think it’s the best place in the whole universe.

 You will definitely want to live in Xinyi! It’s convenient and beautiful. Come here today!

Molly Chen 陳詠欣 402

 Are you looking for a new neighborhood? Well, you should come to Neihu! Think about a place that is safe, fun, beautiful, and convenient. Let me tell you all about the amazing features here!

 My neighborhood is a paradise for people who have dogs, or people who like to exercise.There are lots of hiking trails and big grassy fields. There are also lots of parks and pools like Dahu Park. You can also ride your bike by the riverside! During New Year’s Eve, you can go to the roof of any tall building to see the fireworks from Taipei 101.

 Neihu is convenient. You will never have to worry because there are millions of supermarkets and convenience stores here. So if you ever want a little snack you can always get it. There are also great restaurants. You’ll never have to cook again!

 Now I hope you are interested in coming to my neighborhood. Why wouldn’t you want to live in a great place that’s 5 minutes away from everything? Come to Neihu!

Jasmine Li 李嬉恩 405

 My neighborhood is the best neighborhood in the world! Even visitors from space would want to live here!

 My neighborhood is extremely beautiful. Every wall and road is perfect. From your home, you can see many trees and beautiful flowers. When you go outside for a walk, you will smell fresh air, and you will feel happy and relaxed. There are not even any small pieces of trash on the ground.

 My neighborhood is extremely big. One house could have its own post code! You can live like a queen or king. You’re always welcome to live here in the world’s best neighborhood!

 You won’t regret moving here. Moreover, you’ll love it, and you’ll never want to move anywhere else! Come to live in my neighborhood!