Student passwords

I am a new student; how do I access my account for the first time?

Use the following step-by-step User Guide or watch the Video to learn how to access your account.

How do I change my password or security questions?

After you have registered your password and security questions at Password Reset. You will be able to use this link to reset your password/security questions.

Use the following step-by-step User Guide or watch the Video to learn how to change your password and/or security questions.

How do I update the email address or cell phone number that is on file for me?

Please contact the Taylor High School Registrar's office for assistance.

Technology Information Tutorials for Students

Visit the following site to gain access to detailed tutorials on how to access and use the most of the district provided digital resources.

Some of the information found on the site linked above is included in an abridged format on the THS library site.

Technology Information Tutorials for parents

Parents are encouraged to visit the following site to gain access to detailed tutorials on Home Access Center, MyKaty, Canvas, eTextbooks, Online Resources, and WiFi/BYOD