Chromebook Repair Plan

If you are in need of assistance or repair on your Chromebook, CSCHS Technology Department will follow the following procedure:

  1. Student brings his/her Chromebook to technology office during open office hours.
  2. Student completes the "ORANGE" Chromebook repair form.
  3. If needed, a loaner Chromebook will be issued to the student during the length of repair.
          1. Student must sign "Loaner Chromebook Sign-Out Form".
  4. Technology staff recieves and repairs the Chromebook.
  5. Student is notified of repair compleasion.
  6. Student returns Loaner Chromebook (if applicable)
  7. Student signs "ORANGE" form (leaves form) to take back the repaired Chromebook.
  8. If any costs/fees are assessed to the repair, student will be billed for repair costs/fees.