A walk through the picture book
Curiosity = investment. The more invested a reader is the more they want to research. “Fiction” refers to literature created from the imagination like fairy tales or a cartoon on TV, while on the other hand “Non-fiction” refers to literature based on true facts and reality. Each group of learners were given books and encouraged to sort these into two piles fiction and non-fiction stories. This activity inspired our K2 learners to think outside the box and understand what they are reading and learning. It was illuminating to see their interpretation.
Lets's reflect our knowledge on fiction and non-fiction.

Let's learn more about fiction and non- fiction genre
Visualizing and working with numbers
In Math, number line is a pictorial representation of numbers on a horizontal line. The numbers are placed sequentially on the number line at equal distances along its length and increase as one moves left to right and decrease on moving from right to left. It’s also a great tool to teach our learners how to perform basic operations like addition and subtraction. Creating a number line on the floor, we encouraged our K2 learners to act out the math problem by doing the jumps themselves. Our young learners soon progressed by using simple physical number lines to visualize them in their minds. The jumps they perform on the number line are then done mentally and subconsciously as they become more experienced mathematicians.
Let's skip on the Number Line and have fun ...
Number line, Number line, take us to the number ride.
Listen, Decode and Identify "oo" Words
These two vowels might look alike but are different in many ways. Let's learn more about 'oo' sounds. We call it “short oo” and “long oo”. This might sound a little tricky so it's important for our learners to understand how some of the popular words with the oo sound are pronounced. This will help in improving reading skills and decoding words and build multiple opportunities to practice diphthongs. Overall, it will make our learners better speakers and readers. This fun activity was designed to assist our learners in identifying, sorting, and differentiating the “long oo” sound and the “short oo” sound words.
Let's learn and have fun.
'oo' "oo" !!! tricky but fun to decode this double vowel sound.
Experimenting Gravity
Gravity is an attractive force between two objects. All things that have mass are attracted to other things that have mass.
K2 Learners were able to express that gravity is an invisible pulling force that pulls things towards the object’s center, pulls across great distances and affects everything with mass in their STREAM activity room. They engaged in an activity where they observed how water droplets flow down due to Gravity. They seemed to understand and enjoy.
Gravity is every where on Earth
Let's acquire the knowledge of gravity...
Accented beats!
Understanding and listening to beats has deep effects on the brain including influencing perception and thinking. It also helps memorize patterns. In this session our learners learnt about accented (strong) beats, where reading the notations, they had to clap to the beats, with the corresponding note value and clap stronger for the accented beats.
A happy child is a child who claps...
We learn what we hear let us have some music to learn better!