Faculty of Science

Another fantastic year in Science at Kaipara College. Our students continue to improve their scientific skills and their knowledge of the world around them. They have completed independent inquiries into aspects of Science that fascinate them and have carried out some amazing practical work. A highlight would be the potato cannon firing across the fields, the beautiful gardens being nurtured down in the Horticulture area and the hydrogen rockets exploding in the corridor!


Possum Trapping

A small band of Year 11 students were engaged in a sustainable possum trapping course in June this year. They learnt about safe and humane ways of catching and dealing with these pests as part of sustaining NZ’s natural heritage.

The students worked through extensive theory papers for part of the two days and then the rest was hands on in Woodhill Forest. They are now challenged with trapping possums in their own backyards over the coming weeks!

Our thanks go to Shaun Gifford, an ex-student who ran the course, and to Wiki Ratima for allowing us to trap at Woodhill Forest. Between them, they provided a really engaging and useful two days for our students.

Young Farmers 2019

This year saw the launching of the Young Farmers’ Group at Kaipara College. With 16 members, we had regular meetings and were able to get involved in several events as the year progressed. We made yummy fruit smoothies and sold them during the school day. We made hot milo during the winter months which was popular with the cold, passing students. We participated in a ‘Trees for Survival' programme and helped with the planting of native trees on The Narby Farm in Helensville.

We also spent a day planting in the sand dunes at Muriwai Beach. The weather on this day was cold, windy and stormy but this did not deter us! The highlight of the year was on Friday the tenth of May. Our Kaipara College Young Farmers’ group headed off to the Webber Farm at South Head to join the get-together of farmers and numerous organisations from around Auckland that were celebrating Ross and Eleanore Webber’s recent win. There were over 100 visitors to the farm that day. The Webber’s farm had just won the 2019 Auckland region Ballance Environment Farm Award. We were taken on a tour of the farm, learning how this farm was managed in a successful and environmentally friendly way from water catchments, stock logistics and pest control. Overall, it was a successful trip full of valuable information for the farmers of tomorrow plus the kai was delicious.