1st grade

Blended Learning

Watch for emails from your teacher

Remember your child's Zoom Schedule and be prepared with supplies for them to be ready to learn

(Sight words, Spelling Patterns, Science and Social Studies, P.E., Music, Library, Brain Teasers, Counseling Resources)

Science: Could a statue's shadow move?

Start our Mystery Science Spinning Sky unit at home! Get to know Doug (AKA Mystery Doug), one of our favorite scientists.

1. Click on the link.

2. Watch the exploration video

3. Complete the activity

Spinning Sky Unit:

This unit helps students develop the idea that the sun, moon, and stars change position in the sky in ways that are fun to watch and predict.

In this Mystery, students develop a model of the sun’s daily path across the sky, then use this model to help someone who’s lost. In the activity, Sun Finder, students create a mobile paper model of the sun and earth to illustrate the position of the sun throughout the day.

students have assigned reading on readworks

How to get students to their assignments:

1. Have students go to www.readworks.org/student

2. Students enter class code PPBURC

3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234

  • School work should take 45-60 minutes of SUSTAINED work each day. If your child is having a hard time getting right to work, this may take longer as they adjust to their new routine.

  • Children thrive on routines!! Please make a schedule that works for your family and stick to it.

Be patient with your child.....and yourself. Change can be difficult. Everyone is stressed and doing their best.

Please don't hesitate to contact the first grade team if you have any questions or concerns. We want to make at home learning as easy and stress-free for your family as possible.

Book-a-Librarian at the Noel Wien Library! just fill out the form, and they will pull books for you to pick up.