Parent Information

1st Grade Team

Please don't hesitate to contact the first grade team if you have any questions or concerns. We want to make at home learning as easy and stress-free for your family as possible.

Login: password: First2020

Use caterpillar picture passcode when prompted.

A GREAT explanation of the coronavirus adults.

If you have more than one student sharing a device, it is important to logout of google between users so that students are able to access their first grade resources when they go to ClassLink!

Math help: Here is a great video that explains about Adding to make 10.

If your child needs help memorizing their doubles facts, visit our math page for some great videos for them to watch (and learn)!

All students in the FNSBSD are automatically issued a google account that must be used to access school district online resources.

Your student's login is their student Their password is their student number followed by a lowercase g. They use this account and password to login to Classlink, the portal we use to access the school district's digital curriculum. Please contact your teacher if your child does not remember their student number (we often refer to it as their their "s number" or their "lunch number").

eg. Login:

Password: s123456g

You will be asked to sign in with student's google account to access ClassLink.

Click here to get help with ClassLink sign in and your child's student google account

Parent support on how to teach silent sustained reading

100's of books

Various reading levels represented