summit time thoughts

search for survivors in a sanctuary for endangered condors.

Why do some people think for themselves and not for animals. A good article for rescuing an animal and it tells how Condors are endangered and how we can fix it.

Some animal experts say that animal cafe's are not safe for owls

In japan there are cafe's that have animals like owls in them. Experts say that it is a bad idea to like animals run around in cafe's. Others say it interrupts there sleep time. I disagree that there should be animals in cafe's because there's not enough room for them.

National parks need more help to survive

National parks are amazing and should stay forever but business owners are trying to take away the land for themselves. I think they should find somewhere else to set up business's and leave national park's alone. things i agree with are keeping national park's safe. Things i digress with are taking away animals homes.

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson is a famous writer and helped people realize that pesticides like DDT are bad and people should stop using them. I agree that pesticides should stop being used. I don't have anything to disagree with. The Questions that I have are why do people still use pesticides and when will pesticides be banned?