

Pears do they care do they share? They don't care and wont share with pairs.


Sharing is caring no matter pairing with people who aren't caring. People who don't start sharing start caring. But I don't care and I won't share my food.

The fox and the dog

The dog is old the dog is smart the dog got bested by the fox the fox is lean the fox is mean the is outsmarted by the dog the fox learned a lesson never mess with an animal who outsmarts everyone.

Space is so cool

space is cool space is big you need to go you need to go now.


Terrorism is bad they go up against their leaders who they don't like and they kill people.


Pesticides are bad they kill birds, bugs and bats. They harm the environment they kill bugs galore like mosquitoes, spiders, ants, and many more. when it comes to DDT no peregrine falcons in the world. When will it end nowhere soon in this doomed world