imaginative writing

Containment breech

As an explorer Jeremy Always loves camping in videos with friends and family and he likes games and baseball so you could say he's outdoorsy but when on camping in a strange site with a friend something will always be trouble for some people and can leave him dead with all the others

"Sup " Said Jeremy as he got out of the car to meet James." sup" said James "here we are camping in government property. With anther conspiracy it's called SCP foundation and they contain anomaly's for the sake of humanity". said James "so where is this camp site". said Jeremy curiously." over there by those trees". said James so then they walk over to set up camp when. rustle rustle. "Wow uh what was that". said Jeremy a little scared. "oh I don't know maybe an SCP!!!!!!!!" screamed James "Ha Ha Ha very funny. Its not like a myth is going to kill me in my sleep". said Jeremy annoyed. "no but maybe Freddy Croger will". Said James. "Alright let's go". But what really was behind the bushes was something that would have changed there life's.

" Alright finally we made to this special site. I wonder what makes it special". Said Jeremy examining an ordinary stick. " Well there are rumors that say if you go in you will never come out. So let's find this so called rumors and get out". said James sarcastically. "Alright let's setup camp, and make a fire before dark". Said Jeremy as he got some fire wood. Later that night some were in the middle of the woods. Static" Hello i-is this thing on, g-good". Said a voice. "OK i-i'm in this weird facility I think the Rumors are true but if you get this HELP HELP ME get away from this thing I Don-don't know what i did. All I did was what the scientist told me to do and now it's mad'.Said the guy worried. "AAAAAAYYYYYYYYY UHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH". screamed the thing. " The creature is long very pale and has long arms and big feet and is coming this WAY". yelled The voice and then silence. "eh test complete let's move on. SCP 096 has not changed behavior and is still hostile when looked at". said the scientist. " well now we know not to-" weriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllll " we are having door control problems with scp 173. Please remain main eye contact with it at all times". Said the a voice from the com. "oh no that's not good quick go look for it we can not let it escape".fep "Huh Hu." wined scp 096. "WHAT the how . Quick don't loot at his face and not let him escape". yelled the scientist as the guards went away. "WE ARE having multiple Keter class breeches all scientist go immediately. Wile MTF and NTF escort them and shoot at any SCP's and d class." cm-on we got to leave". said the MTF guard. " yes we got to leave".

" Hey is that a camera." said Jeremy. "Oh yeah it is. let's look at the memory". Said James. So then they checked the pictures and it looks like a ordinary person. " I guess this person left there camera." said James examining it. " Hey look there's a drill on the back that's weird Why would there be a,unless they made it because they wanted to WARN US!!!!!" yelled Jeremy scaring James in the process." Hey there's a video maybe that will explain a lot." said James looking at some marks and bruises. So they Watched and were horrified by the video. " what the, how". said Jeremy at a lost for words. " well it looks like there's a monster and-.'' rustle " What was that ." said Jeremy worded and looked thru the bushes to see a Statue taller then the average man. " wow take a picture with this." said Jeremy getting his phone out. "WAIT KEEP ALL EYE CONTACTED ON THE STATUE AT ALL TIMES." yelled some one from behind so they turned around but quickly back to see the statue. " Wait did it just move." said Jeremy looking closer at the statue. "don't turn around or that thing will kill you." said the woman " keep main eye contact on it or you will die." "What if we look away." said Jeremy. "wait is that a-" "Crick" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." screamed the scientist as her neck was broken. "wow was that by that thing the statue just killed her." said James worried " So she was right look away and you die but there was something back there."

in the Facility "Quick get in scp 106 is escaping go to safety good luck sir but we have to stay goodbye." said Ben saying goodbyes to his brother. BLAM BLAM. tick tick tick tick tick tick tick. cam from weapons fired from the guns. zap then a small explosion after the plasma canon was fired at the SCP. " I think we got em is he gone." said an MTF guard. " yeah but we still have to contain the rest. search the forest for any that escaped now GO GO GO. yelled Ben as troops went in choppers and out to the woods. back in the woods " Now let's go back, tell me when your about to blink." said Jeremy as they both tack steps back. Wasn they were about 200 step they ran far away to there camp and to the flares and and other stuff. "Now Quick get the flares ready to fire I think it's comin this way." said James as he got the Flare gun out and posited it at the trees. " Now fire". TO BE CONTINUED.