Patent Search

Patent Name:

Method For Controlling And Adjusting A Glare Protection Device Of A Vehicle

Patent Number:


Summary of how the product works:

A manufactured microscopically thin coating of tungsten oxide, or polyaniline, is on the windshield. When electrical charges apply to such a layer, it becomes optically active and changes color, reducing light transmittance. Under the circumstance that applied voltage is executed, or the voltage’s polarity is modified, the glass becomes transparent again.




This patent demonstrates a strong possibility of solving the current problem by effectively identifying and locating glare allowing for glass on a windshield to shift a different color in the spectrum and adapt to the coating, still allowing the driver to have visibility of the road without a problem.


It can become a problem if a new driver does not get used to the glass, has a color shift, and can distract a driver, causing accidents. Another arising problem is color blind drivers who cannot effectively differentiate the color change in the windshield, proving ineffective to their benefit.


Hoffmann, G. and Wesp, A., n.d. Method For Controlling And Adjusting A Glare Protection Device Of A Vehicle. DE102014012399A1.

Patent Name:

Selective Light Attenuation System

Patent Number:


Summary of how the product works:

An electro-optical element interposed between the source of light and the person's eyes, the aspect has pixels that are operable to attenuate light passing therethrough individually. A navigation system is operable to determine the vehicle’s navigational information, including a location and direction of travel of the car, a memory that contains a pre-stored general area for the person's eyes within the vehicle. Information for determining the source of light; and a controller joined to the element, navigation system, and memory. The controller is operable to decide on those pixels of the component calculated to be between the person's eyes and the source of light and reduce the light transmissivity of those pixels to attenuate the light from the origin to the person's eyes.




It can block intense light from sources other than the sun, such as oncoming headlights at night and fixed roadside lighting. An electro-optical element is disposed of on a vehicle’s windshield, providing selective light attenuation with a minimum hardware modification or cost in its inherent form. An existing controller with additional software controls this element, and a user interface included. It drives greater control and a more comprehensive range of shading, with driver distraction minimized. The sun visors’ removal can open up space in the vehicle for other systems, including the present invention’s user interface.


Too reliant on an electric element to function, if care is not provided appropriately then the user could be greatly affected the moment the mechanism stops functioning.


S. Isaac, E., 2006. Selective Light Attenuation System. US7134707B2.

Patent Name:

Automated Windshield Glare Elimination Assistant

Patent Number:


Summary of how the product works:

A system and computer program effectively shield a driver from light and determine a light source position based on the car’s location and the current date and time. A line of sight between the light source and the operator’s eyes presumed where the line of sight goes through a windshield of the vehicle includes a plurality of pixels. One or more pixels in the line of sight are recognized; and, one or more physical properties of the pixels in the line of sight are modified to secure that no glare makes its way into the drivers presumed eye contact. The system works at combating glare from partly cloudy skies to sunny the whole day, adapting to calculating the sun’s rays and even headlight glare.




The patent clarifies how a computer system working on the outside and another on the inside can effectively determine a line of glare from any degree position that the sun at any given point day. And calculate the line of a situation where drivers control another camera that easily maneuvers the windshield “visor” filled with pixels that can darken the mechanism so that the driver can continue driving without glare.


The system works effectively, but it is too dependent on the camera system to secure the driver’s safety, which can be fatal if the network decides to stop functioning altogether.


Martens, H., U. Pankanti, S., and Rueger, E., 2018. Automated Windshield Glare Elimination Assistant. US10106018B2

Existing Competitive Products

Product 1

Summary/overview of the product and how works:

Drive safer at night & dusk by reducing glare from oncoming car headlights, streetlamps, and wet pavement. These glasses are polarized to reduce the effect of astigmatism. The pale yellow lens is efficient in low light conditions such as dusk or evening or on overcast / cloudy days. It enhances clarity and brightens low light conditions. Glasses block 100% of UVA and UVB radiation.




Portable, easy to carry, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing prevent tired eyes and headaches from occurring based on UVA and UVB radiation block. It covers the whole field of vision.


They are easy to forget. It might be hard if you wear glasses.



Product 2

Summary/overview of the product and how works:

This film effectively filters out reflective glare from your side view and rearview mirrors. For you, this means that you will no longer be blinded by high beam headlight glare reflecting into your mirrors while driving at night. Effectively reduce the yellow light spectrum. When the film is applied to your side view and rearview mirrors, headlight glare is significantly reduced.




The product is aesthetically pleasing through stylish/lavish color, reduces all types of glare in any car space, and has a comforting aspect that easily adapts to all surrounding.


Upcoming problems the tint could be illegal in the state does not protect the most fundamental part of the car, which is the windshield, where most of the glare hits



Similar Solution Matrix

My group chose the following specifications based on the extensive components that will make up our future solution. The specifications benefit the future solution and even what consumers are looking for when purchasing an effective mechanism, such as the one created. The criteria exclusively follow that any windshield glare will be preventable if the solution can be durable and easily used without any extensive cause for multiple steps of installation. The purpose of the designs and existing solutions is to prevent any type of glare from existing external factors throughout any day-to-day use; therefore, safety, versatility, and compatibility are essential when determining the best solution. Like any new solution, there must always be aesthetically pleasing details to capture a consumer’s attention into a possible purchase, tying all criteria to determine the solution plausible.