
AIUSA Events

Each school year, every AIUSA student group is required to participate in 3 events; ActivismX, Write for Rights, and National Week of Student Action.

Banned Books Week

Write for Rights

Week of Student Action

Past Events/Actions

BBW Open-Mic Event

Our Amnesty group hosted an open-mic event where we spoke about banned books/songs and wrote our own creative pieces about freedom of speech and expression.

Run for Change 5K

Our club hosted a Run for Change 5K in October 2023. We raised over $1,300 at this event, 50% of which was donated to Amnesty International to support their human rights research.

Write for Rights

On 12/9/22, our Amnesty group hosted an extremely successful Write for Rights event with a total of 791 letters signed by people within our community.

Winter Carnival

On 2/25/23, our Amnesty group participated in the Winter Carnival where we ran a human rights jeopardy booth and raised money for our club.

Death Penalty Action

Throughout February and March, our Amnesty group worked to create an informational video and host a week of awareness through the morning announcements on the death penalty.

Climate Change Action

Throughout April, our Amnesty group took action to convince senators to stop the Willow Oil Project by phone banking, writing emails, and creating fliers.

Women's History Month Event

On 3/13/24 our Amnesty group co-hosted with Girl up and had a Women's rights event in our JJ Library. We invited speakers from Elisa Auerbach an AIUSA Iran Country Specialist to Malalai Habibi  an AIUSA Afghanistan Advocacy Fellow . Students were welcome to stop by listen to speakers, write a letter, and sign a petition. 

BBW Children's Reading

On October 14th Amnesty International decided to host a BBW event in our East Fishkill community library. We had children from the community come and listen to members of our club read banned children's books, color book marks, and teach them a little bit about what we do!

NWSA Abortion Rights Rally

For National Week of Student Action our Amnesty group decided to protest abortion rights. On this day all students throughout the school that were pro choice were able to wear green and protest their right!