Welcome to Somerville Strings

Music & Theater Arts Mission Statement: 

As Music Educators, it is our mission to inspire and guide every student in active music making through the use of a sequential and creative curriculum that nurtures the human spirit and promotes cultural understanding.

SPS Departamento de Música Declaración de Misión:

Como educadores de música, nuestra misión es inspirar y guiar a cada estudiante en la música activa haciendo a través de la utilización de un programa secuencial y creativa que nutre el espíritu humano y promueve el entendimiento cultural.



Course selection is coming up. Please consider registering for orchestra! It is 5 credits for the full year or 2.5 for one semester. We would LOVE to have you at the high school. Here is a 30 second clip that may inspire you to join: SHS Orchestra Commercial (or click on video below)

If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to your teachers! (either in class or find emails under the "Meet Your Teachers" section)