COVID-19 and Autism

Hawaii Autism Foundation (HAF)

The Hawaii Autism Foundation helps Hawaii families identify needs and find solutions that will assure our keiki have the tools and transitional support they need to reach their full potential and thrive as adults. HAF shares videos and helpful resources on how families can support their keiki in regards to COVID-19.

Autism Speaks

In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it can be difficult to wade through what will be an effective tool to cope with widespread disruptions to the daily lives of autistic children, teens and adults. Autism Speaks is leading the COVID-19 Autism Research Community Task Force to tap the rich knowledge and expertise of autism researchers during the pandemic, and offer the best available evidence-based tools here for your use.

In partnership with the Autism Science Foundation (ASF), working together with the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) and the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI), the task force has asked autism researchers to create ready-to-use tools for the range of support needs to help people with autism through this crisis. The task force will rapidly review, assess and distribute these tools to the public, posting them on this page as a quick reference. Tools vetted by the Task Force are indicated with a 💼 symbol.