Career Path: Arts & Communications

KVIKS Media is the Communications Branch of Hilo High School, under the direction of the Technology Department. We broadcast to our community the latest news and events coming out from Hilo High School. Partnering with local media and broadcasting partners such as Nā Leo TV, PBS Hawaii and local news sources, Hilo High students who join the program by means of the after school club are able to gain industry-level experience while attending school.

KVIKS Media is a collaboration between members of the Hilo High School staff and the students in order to produce quality content and services to our school and extended community.

Contact Information:
Luke Eclipse-Ujano
Hilo High School, Technology Coordinator

Website: kviks.org

Recommended Courses in High School: Arts & Communications Pathway Core, Digital Media Technology, Broadcast Media


Examples of Work

2021 Commencement Program

Alumni Compilation Singing "Seasons of Love"