Mindfulness Break

Find your sense of calm with this mini meditation.

If you enjoy this animation, and you'd like to learn how to meditate, you can get started for free by downloading the Headspace app:


The Headspace app delivers guided meditations based on teachings that Co-founder Andy Puddicombe learned during the ten years he spent studying meditation and mindfulness in monasteries across Asia.

The body scan alternates between a wide and narrow focus of attention; from focusing on your little toe all the way through the entire body. The body scan trains your mind to be able to move from detailed attention to a wider and more spacious awareness from one moment to the next.

In our 3.5 minute body scan meditation, we let the practictioner experience the meditation in a fast paced world allowing oneself to be in touch with one's body..

Welcome to your morning routine meditation. This is your new day, your opportunity to refresh your mind and body, so you feel clearer and brighter, carrying this into your day ahead. We begin with a full body relaxation, then into a visualisation using colour, and complete the practice with powerful questions to reflect on. This meditation guides you through a practice where you can take the time to optimise your day. To connect with a deeper part of you, to access your own inner wisdom and to ignite your own foundation of positivity. Remember that everything you ever need is inside of you.

Get the morning meditation routine here: https://insig.ht/zbv5FshWOV