Under the Hawaii Child Labor Law, a work permit or child labor certificate is required for working minors until they reach 18 years of age. There are two types of certificates: Certificate of Employment (14-15 year old minors) and Certificate of Age (16-17 year old minors). Forms are available online and at the College & Career Center in HH101.
When a 14- or 15-year-old minor is hired, the employer is required to obtain a Certificate of Employment before the minor starts working. For the certificate to be issued, either the employer or the minor or other representative may assist in the following:
Obtain an application for Minor’s Certificate of Employment (Form CL-1)
Application must be completed and signed by the employer and a parent or guardian of the minor
Submit the completed application, with an *acceptable proof of age document, either in person or by mail
If the hours of work are approved and the work is not hazardous or prohibited, a temporary authorization slip will be issued, and a Certificate of Employment will be mailed to the employer
The minor may start working upon receipt of either a temporary authorization slip or the Certificate of Employment
Minors 14 and 15 years of age may work:
Not more than 3 hours per day on a school day, and 8 hours per day on a non-school day
During a school week, not more than 18 hours per week. During a non-school week, not more than 40 hours per week
On school days and the day before a school day: Between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. On non-school days and the day before a non-school day: Between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m
Not more than 6 consecutive days, and 5 consecutive hours without at least a 30-minute rest or meal period
When a 16- or 17-year-old minor is hired, the minor is required to obtain a Certificate of Age. For the certificate to be issued, either the employer or the minor or other representative may assist in the following:
Obtain an application for Minor’s Certificate of Age (eCL-3)
Submit the completed application, with an *acceptable proof of age document, at the time of hire
No promise of a job is needed to obtain this certificate
The minor will be issued a Certificate of Age to use until age 18
There are no restrictions on hours except when the minor is required to be in school. When the minor is hired, the employer is required to: (1) verify the minor’s name and birth date on the Certificate of Age with the proof of age document; (2) record the Certificate of Age number; and (3) return the Certificate of Age and proof of age document to the minor.