2 Hour Asbestos Awareness Training for Custodial & Maintenance Staff



This website is designed to satisfy the training requirement under Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) §11-502-11(a). It is intended for Hawaii Department of Education custodial and maintenance staff. While the website provides information to satisfy the 2 hour asbestos awareness training requirement for staff that encounters but does not disturb asbestos-containing building materials (ACBMs), it does not satisfy the requirement under §11-502-11(b) for 14 hours of additional training required for staff that disturbs ACBMs (drill, hammer, cut, saw, break, damage) or performs small-scale, short duration response actions (for example, removal of less than 3 square feet of ACBM). Completion of this training is sufficient to qualify staff for performing periodic surveillance as required under §11-502-11(d).

§11-502-11 Training and periodic surveillance (open collapsible section for HAR 11-502-11 text).

(a) The local education agency shall ensure, prior to the implementation of the operations, maintenance, and repair provisions of the management plan, that all members of its maintenance and custodial staff (custodians, electricians, heating and air conditioning engineers, plumbers, etc.) who may work in a building that contains ACBM receive awareness training of at least two hours, whether or not they are required to work with ACBM. New custodial and maintenance employees shall be trained within sixty days after commencement of employment. Training shall include:

(1) Information regarding asbestos and its various uses and forms;

(2) Information on the health effects associated with asbestos exposure;

(3) Locations of ACBM identified throughout each school building in which they work;

(4) Recognition of damage, deterioration, and delamination of ACBM; and

(5) Name and telephone number of the person designated to carry out general local education agency responsibilities pursuant to section 11-502-4 and the availability and location of the management plan.

(b) The local education agency shall ensure that all members of its maintenance and custodial staff who conduct any activities that will result in the disturbance of ACBM shall receive training described in subsection (a) and fourteen hours of additional training. Additional training shall include:

(1) Descriptions of the proper methods of handling ACBM;

(2) Information on the use of respiratory protection as contained in the EPA/NIOSH "Guide to Respiratory Protection for the Asbestos Abatement Industry," September 1986 (EPA 560/OPPTS-86-001), available from Toxic Substances Control Agency Assistance Office (TS-799), Office of Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St. SW., Rm. E-543, Washington, DC 20460, and other personal protection measures;

(3) The provisions of this section, section 11- 502-10, Appendices A, B, C, and D to Subpart E of 40 CFR Part 763 as referenced in section 11-502-3, chapter 11-501 and its references, and OSHA regulations contained in 29 CFR 1926.1101; and

(4) Hands-on training in the use of respiratory protection, other personal protection measures, and good work practices.

(c) Local education agency maintenance and custodial staff who have attended EPA-approved asbestos training or received equivalent training for operations, maintenance, and repair and periodic surveillance activities involving asbestos shall be considered trained for the purposes of this section.


  1. Review each page of this presentation website in the order it is presented. You can select "next page" or "previous page" to move forward and backward.

  2. Each major section begins with an introductory page with a header, Section "X". This is just an introduction, click to the next page for related content.

  3. Some pages are composed of several sub-sections. Keep scrolling down until you have reviewed all the content.

  4. If you need to review prior pages, you can use the menu (left side or upper left, depending on your screen size) to select the page you wish to review.

  5. At the end of the presentation, there is a final exam quiz and a form that includes your name, email address, school or facility name and title. To get credit for completing the training you must complete and submit this form.

  6. A copy of your certificate of completion will be emailed to you and to the Environmental Services Unit. Please print a copy of the training record and include this in the school's asbestos management plan (under Tab 5.3).

  7. If you have questions, you can contact the Environmental Services Unit: Gary Bignami (gary.bignami@k12.hi.us), (808) 784-5067.