SOL Testing Information

What SOL tests will my student take in 3rd grade?

  • Reading Test: 33 questions (5 field-test items)

  • Math: 32 questions (4 field-test items)

*Field-test items are being tried out with students for potential use on subsequent tests and will not be used to compute students’ scores on the test.

How do I prepare my student for the 3rd grade SOL tests?

  • Attend class connect sessions

  • Develop independent problem-solving skills

  • Students MUST learn to solve problems independently

  • Use and encourage excellent problem-solving strategies that focus on a growth mindset

  • TAKE your time

  • READ all answer choices

  • SOLVE ALL MATH problems on paper

  • PRACTICE “defending your answer”

    • Think about each answer choice – Why is it right? Why is it wrong?

  • FIND the answer to questions in the reading passage – don’t depend on your memory

  • PREDICT the answer – solve the problem or answer the question before looking at the answer choices

  • LOCATE the answers to Literature or History questions in the passage/chapter before selecting your final answer

  • KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT by reviewing and practicing with TestNav (SOL test program simulation): and TestNav Practice Test Information

3rd Grade Standards of Learning Resources

Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)

The state of Virginia utilizes Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) to customize the assessment for every student meaning how a student responds to a question determines the difficulty of the next item. Star360 benchmark assessments given at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year also serve to provide students with a hands-on learning experience with a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT).

Technology Enhanced Items (TEI)

  • There four types of technology-enhanced items:

  1. Drag and drop

  2. Hot spot

  3. Complete a graph

  4. Fill in the blank

SOL Test Scores

  • Below 375: Fail

  • 375-399: Fail; eligible for retake

  • 400-499: Pass proficient

  • 500-600: Pass advanced

***If you qualify for a retake, you will be notified within 24 hours; remedial sessions with your teachers will be scheduled. The pass rate for retakes is very high.

  • Students must answer approximately 60% of the questions correctly in order to earn a passing score. A failing SOL score does not mean you fail 3rd grade – Virginia does NOT have a “pass to promote” policy. However, it is an indicator that the student has not mastered the 3rd grade standards. Each test is scored separately. 3rd graders will receive two scores: one for Reading and one for Math. Formal score reports will be sent out at the beginning of July. Students’ numerical scores will be published on their end-of-year progress reports.

  • SOL scores are only one part of the school's end-of-year academic review. In addition to SOL scores, our district partners take the following components of the students’ academic record into account: quarterly progress reports, overall progress, daily attendance, class connect attendance and participation, was the curriculum completed with fidelity (i.e., completing and mastering assessments before moving on to next lesson/unit), following the daily plan and being consistent, and teacher recommendation.