Global Research

What is Global Research?

Global Pathways Scholars spend three years exploring the world and focusing on areas of passion and interest. Through immersive and service experiences, students collect primary research determined by these areas of interest. During senior year, students explore this topic in depth, through a Capstone Research Course or series of workshops in our self-paced Global Seminar. Facilitators guide students through the research process, coaching them through finding secondary and primary resources, annotating, writing and presenting. At the end of the year, students are celebrated through a series of events, including the Student Showcase, CAPS Talks and the Global Endorsement Ceremony. We believe that our Global Scholars have important stories to tell as our future leaders and we are excited to showcase this work!

About the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, and peace and justice. Students frame their research around one or a few of these goals, and in so doing, they think critically about real world issues and come up with specific actions and initiatives to effect change and leave a positive impact.

Showcase at Cormier Youth Center

Global students' year-long research projects culminate in a poster presentation in May. Students have the opportunity to share their research and action steps with members of the Andover community. Both CAPstone and Global Seminar students participate in this showcase, a wonderful evening of sharing, learning, and celebrating. Check out our proud former Global scholars presenting at last year's showcase!

By the end of senior year, Global Scholars will have presented their research and created a digital portfolio that documents their "global pathway" throughout high school. The portfolio will be a collection of reflections, photos, and notes that illustrate how the student has fulfilled each of the five requirements: Language and Coursework, Service, Immersive Experience, Enrichment, and Research. Global advisors will periodically review the portfolios and encourage students to continue adding their experiences throughout their sophomore, junior, and senior years.

Global Portfolios

Many seniors take the Capstone Research Course to fulfill the research requirement. Learn more by visiting the CAPStone Website (Capstone Website) or by contacting Rebecca D'Alise at