Global Coursework

AHS World Language Program

Language Requirement

Global Scholars are required to take four years of a World Language of their choice at Andover High School. Some students may choose to enroll in a second World Language course after they finish the most advanced course in the language sequence as an underclassman (AP Spanish, AP French, Chinese IV/AP). AHS offers courses in the following:

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Chinese

  • Latin

Global Coursework

Global Pathways through coursework

Students identify academic courses that align with the vision and 'pathway' that they wish to pursue in high school. Each Global Scholar should consider areas of interest and should spend time understanding each course through a global lens. Students will reflect on these courses in digital portfolios over the three year program. Some examples of courses that Global Scholars have reflected on include Marine Biology, Psychology, and Ceramics.

CAPStone Research Course - Recommended

CAPStone is an advanced inquiry-based research seminar. As a cohort, CAPS students pursue a researchable question through quantitative and qualitative research methods along with a substantial field-based inquiry project. CAPS offers students a chance to create an independent academic experience, with the focus on authentic inquiry. The goal of the CAPS is for students to merge their various interests, curiosities, and passions with their academic and intellectual lives and take shape through Original Field Research, an Inquiry Paper, a web-based Project Portfolio, and a TED-style Community Presentation that communicates the culmination of the experience. Students who enroll in CAPS will receive 1 credit of English.

Innovation Lab (optional)

The Innovation Lab (iLab) at Andover High School is an opportunity for students to dig deeper into their learning through the Design Thinking process, based on Stanford University's DT model. Students begin each semester by going through a Design Boot Camp, where they will learn the necessary skills to think like designers and to be able to find solutions to real world problems. Students spend time exploring electronics through technology gadgets and wearable technology solutions. Students are introduced to the IDEAStudio fabrication tools, including 3D printing, carving with CNC machines and laser-cutting with the Glowforge. This project based course exposes students to the process of design, which complements the vision of the Global Pathways Scholars Program. By the end of the class, students will have a better understanding on how to research, brainstorm, define user needs, ideate, prototype, deliver information, provide feedback and reflect. Students will understand how to think like designers in a complex and global environment. All of the skills developed in this course will support students throughout the GPS program and with their Global CAPStone Research projects, in addition to preparing them to become global collaborators.