Ask AJ

What is a good way to make studying fun?

There are some fun ways to study even for the hardest subjects. First thing to do is to make sure that your notes are readable and clear. When you have your notes in order there are many ways to go with them. One of the most helpful study tools is Quizlet; a student’s best friend. After making flashcards on the site, you can play matching games and take practice tests. Another great website is Kahoot. Grab some friends and make a Kahoot with things from your notes. If Quizlet and Kahoot aren’t your things make up some index cards with your terms and questions and make a quiz game out of it with some friends. Remember to stay focused on the studying and practice repetition to achieve the best results.

How do you talk to your friends about your mental health? Thanks

First I’d like to say that I am not a professional so take this advice with a grain of salt. From personal experience the best thing to do is sit down with your very trusted friend somewhere quiet where you can think clearly and say what you need to say without interruptions. When telling your trusted friend, only tell them what you are comfortable with saying, don't say anything that you don't want to say. It is also very important to talk to a trusted adult about these problems. There is always support for those with mental health problems.

What should I expect for Hallahan Day?

Hallahan Day is one of the best times of school year. It’s a day where we just get to chill out and have fun. Usually we start the day with the exchanging of gifts with your little/big sister. It gets pretty awkward when you don't know what to say to your little/big sister just remember they are just as nervous as you are. Then after that we go to the gym for a dance party and a teacher/student dance off. (The students are always better but some teachers really got some moves.) At this time you’ll have a chance to take pictures with all your friends. When the dancing stops you’ll go see the Hallahan Day Show. No spoilers but it’s pretty good and pretty funny. Many seniors have been working hard on the show since the summer and are very excited for everyone to see it. After all that it’s time to go home. Hallahan Day is a great break from your school work, just remember to have fun.

See you later, Alligator