Impeachment Trial

By: Samantha Louizaire

Trump’s impeachment trial is a hard trail to follow; here is the rundown of the trial in one page. Democrats in Congress have been fishing for a reason to impeach President Trump since he gained office. When a whistleblower pointed to reports from the C.I.A about an odd conversation between President Trump and president Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, the Democrats were given the ammunition they needed to pull the impeachment trigger. In the phone call, Trump asks Zelensky to investigate charges against the former vice president, Joe Biden. Joe Biden is also the primary democratic candidate for the 2020 election. This led Congress to believe that Trump wants Biden investigated to further his own political career. President Trump promised U.S. military aid in return for investigating Biden. The Democrats theory is that President Trump knew it would be the perfect promise because Ukraine needs military aid to assist in their never-ending fight against Russia. Republicans believe that the charges against President Trump have no backbone and are a waste of time. President Trump denies the allegations that he exchanged an investigation on a political rival for military aid. This impeachment trial is not based on President Trump doing something illegal, but him wrongly using his power as President. The House of Representatives, majority Democrats, are tentatively scheduled to hold a trial and vote on the impeachment in January 2020. Even if the House of Representatives passes the impeachment, the real moment of truth is how the Senate, majority Republican, votes. Stay tuned for more developments in the impeachment trial.