comics by Vivienne Hall

share your voice

by Lucille Block

Do you ever wish you could get a say in things? This will ask you to make a decision an adult has made. Some of the best answers will be chosen to be featured in our next issue.

Ask the Students

Here are some of the responses from last issue's poll:

  1. If you were the president at the beginning of Covid what would you do? How would you take action?

    • I would make a mask mandate for the whole country.

    • I would make a stay a home order and make masks Mandatory.

    • I would tell people to wear your mask or go to a quarantine camp.

    • I would make sure everybody followed the guidelines as SOON AS POSSIBLE.

    • I would make it a law that you have to wear your mask and make sure everyone is safe and way more.

  2. If you could ban one food forever what would it be? Would you ban it because you hated it or because it was just bad for people to eat?

    • Brussel Sprouts because they are disgusting.

    • I would ban no foods because different people like different things and having sweets occasionally is okay.

    • Asparagus. Yuck.

    • I would ban sugary soda, because it doesn't do good things to your body and sparkling water is better for you.

    • I would ban clams the smell is horrific and the texture is even worse and especially the taste.

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