
Are you interested in speaking to a counselor?

Please fill out the referral form below to get set up with an initial meeting with a BACR counselor. A counselor will contact you generally within a week and check in with your caregiver about your interest.

(Generally, we need your parent's permission for ongoing counseling.)*

BACR is not a crisis service. If you are experiencing a life threatening situation or a serious crisis please either call 911 or the 24 hour Contra Costa crisis line 1-800-833-2900. BACR counselors will typically respond to referrals withing a week. Click here for more crisis contacts.

Free Live online tutoring through Contra Costa Library

"Connect to FREE Online Tutors. Trained tutors are available for academic assistance every day from 1:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Includes resume writing support help for adult learners. Spanish speaking tutors are also available."

(Use your eCard or Library card number to log in-- you can sign up for a card below (left) and instructions on navigating tutoring website (right).