Counseling Team

Tee Haven

BACR Counseling Intern


Rhamell Stevenson

BACR Counseling Intern


Cassie Kellogg, AMFT


Willow Lead Clinician


This is my second year working as a counselor in the John Swett School District and my first year at CMS. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and have always been passionate about the mental health and wellbeing of Bay Area Youth. In my free time you can find me hiking, playing the piano, or hanging out with my family & rescue animals.

Johnny Fang, AMFT

Medi-cal/Lead Clinician

Hello! My name is Johnny and this is my fourth year at CMS. I often get confused as a student, so I guess you can say I found the fountain of youth. I am a huge baseball fan (Go A's). I enjoy listening to music, humor/laughter, and going on hikes. It has been an ongoing pleasure to work at CMS and support our wonderful students and community. I continue to admire the level of resilience and strength this community has while navigating ongoing personal, family, health, environmental, and social challenges. My hope is to continue bringing awareness to students, families and the community that they are not alone and there are always support available.Go Panthers!

All counselors are part of a non-profit agency called Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) that provide mental health services in the Berkeley, John Swett, and West Contra Costa school districts. BACR believes in working collaboratively with families and school staff to provide services that strengthen problem solving skills and self- esteem for the student's success.