Dragon Boat Festival


At the elementary school, the Dragon Boat Festival is a special occasion celebrated every year with a series of festive educational activities. These events allow students to learn and understand the culture and history of this traditional festival in a joyful atmosphere. This year, the school has once again carefully planned a colorful and enriching Dragon Boat Festival educational program.

Teachers first introduced the origin and traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in the classroom. Students learned that the festival is held to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan, and they were taught vocabulary and expressions related to the festival. The teachers also showed a short video about the Dragon Boat Festival, giving students a more intuitive understanding of its significance.

Finally, the school held a Dragon Boat Festival poetry recitation competition. Students prepared diligently, memorizing poems related to the festival. When they stood on the stage and recited famous works such as "Li Sao" with deep emotion, the audience was deeply moved. This not only improved the students' language skills but also allowed them to more profoundly appreciate the cultural essence of the Dragon Boat Festival.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival educational activities concluded successfully amidst the laughter and cheer of the students. Through these diverse activities, students not only learned about the Dragon Boat Festival but also experienced the charm of Chinese culture in practice. These valuable experiences will become cherished memories in their growth journey.

在國小,每年的端午節是一個特別的節日,學校會舉辦一系列節慶教學活動,讓學生們在歡樂中學習和了解這一傳統節日的文化與歷史。今年的端午節,學校再次精心策劃了一場豐富多彩的節慶教學活動。 老師們先在教室裡為學生們介紹端午節的由來和傳統習俗。學生們了解到端午節是為了紀念偉大的詩人屈原而設立的,並學習了與節日相關的詞彙和表達方式。老師還播放了關於端午節的短片,讓學生們更直觀地了解這個節日的意義。 最後,學校舉行了一場端午節詩歌朗誦比賽。學生們用心準備,背誦與端午節相關的詩詞。當他們站在講台上,深情朗誦《離騷》等名篇時,全場為之動容。這不僅提高了學生們的語文能力,也讓他們更深刻地感受到了端午節的文化內涵。 今年的端午節節慶教學活動在學生們的歡聲笑語中圓滿結束。通過這些豐富多彩的活動,學生們不僅學習到了有關端午節的知識,還在實踐中體會到了中華文化的魅力。這些寶貴的經歷,將成為他們成長道路上的美好記憶。 

▼Vocabulary 英語詞彙介紹