Intervention Videos

**This page is a work in progress, and will be ever-changing. We are in the process of creating and uploading intervention videos for academic and behavior purposes. Check back soon :)

Academic Interventions

Below you will find a variety of academic interventions that can easily be implemented in your classroom. Each intervention is accompanied by a demonstration video on how the intervention looks in the classroom.

Repeated Reading.mp4

Repeated Reading

Repeated Reading uses repeated guided oral reading practice and immediate error correction to improve reading rate, accuracy, and comprehension. Students read short passages several times until a level of fluency that is satisfactory is reached.
Cover Copy Compare.mp4

Cover, Copy, Compare

Story Mapping

Number of the Day

This is a math intervention that works on number identification paired with basic number concepts.

Behavior Interventions

Below you will find a variety of behavior interventions that can easily be implemented in your classroom. Each intervention is accompanied by a demonstration video on how the intervention looks in the classroom.


2x10 Strategy

Spend 2 minutes per day for 10 days in a row talking with an at-risk student or student who is frequently in trouble. Spend that time talking about topics OTHER THAN THEIR CHALLENGES PRESENTED IN CLASS.

Social Story

A social story is a narrative made to illustrate certain situations and problems, and how to deal with them. These can be personalized or general, and used throughout the school day or at home.

Keychain Rules

Collection of short visual rules of appropriate behaviors for a student who is struggling at school. These can be kept by the student or teacher, and shown when a reminder is needed.

Power Card

A power card is a visual that uses a student's interest as motivation to teach a skill or encourage a behavior.

Video Modeling

Use video (of peers or of self) to model desired behaviors.


The concept of "first" completing a non-preferred task before "then" being rewarded or reinforced with a preferred task.

High Probability Request Sequences

Use a student's willingness to comply with preferred tasks to gain behavioral momentum in order to comply with non-preferred tasks.

Postvention and reaction visuals

Use a previous maladaptive behavioral episode to prevent future maladaptive behavior.

Working for...

The concept of using a reward or preferred task, as well as visual representations of work/task expectations, to complete activities.

Three-way Coping Tool

This is a three way coping tool that addresses negative feelings, ways to cope, and post-coping feelings.

Detailed/Interactive Visual Schedule

An example of a detailed, interactive visual schedule for students.

Color Clipchart

A reward system that provides incentives at random intervals throughout the day.

Dots for Motivation

A work motivation intervention that provides students with a unique reward system.

Problem and Reaction

An emotional regulation exercise to use with students struggling with outbursts or tantrums.

5-Point Scale

This video shows different types of 5-point scales and ways to monitor and self-regulate students' emotions.

Punch Card Intervention

This is a quick and easy behavior intervention that can be used to promote school appropriate behaviors such as, raising hand, staying in seat, starting or completing work, and more.

Check In Check Out (CICO)

This video shows a few different types of CICO systems that can be used within a school.